Play both Factions on Nightslayer. Pro Tip from someone with 2 Master's Degrees, high gamer I.Q

You guys beat me to this. I was also going to ask why his first masters wasn’t paying the bills enough that another is needed and wouldn’t one expect someone with a masters to at least have the income for a second account. Also causes me to think perhaps the post is an elaborate trolling attempt because there is a tell in the title where he brags intellect yet makes unwise decisions and also indicated his education and boasted of High IQ in the post also.

9/10 troll post.

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Not very smart is it? Trolling so much here…

I think the goal was trick people into deleting. I remember the rules on that have always been muddy.

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Or maybe make room for him to roll a Hordie on the PvP server :wink: