Play a Death Knight in Wrath of the Lich King Classic™ Before 11/28 and Get a Mount in WoW

The mega servers are locked, and character creation is already locked on those servers.

and again… none of that changes what I’ve said.

The DK starting zone is going to be a zoo.


That’s a cool looking mount, it’s a shame they waste the nicest stuff on things I don’t want to play.

Wonderfully timed, in the middle of the zombie invasion event…So that Death Knights cannot turn their quest in to obtain the mount because Varian is dead due to zombie trolling, and has a ridiculously long respawn timer. Fantastic.


Why would you add this now when the servers are imploding? :woman_facepalming:

I did it on Mankrik horde. No such issue there.

Well since you can’t make new characters on the mega servers right now then it wouldn’t affect them whatsoever. However, it might convince some people on mega servers to roll on other servers since retail friends might be coming over. Could be a good strategy.

How did ANYONE at blizzard think that its a good idea to make people do things in classic and not get the reward in, you know…CLASSIC!?!

Well when you think about it, tons of people from retail will be coming over to make characters on servers that are not the mega servers. The mega servers are all locked out to character creation right now.

This means a lot of people on the mega servers might be inclined to get off the mega servers to go join their retail friends. It might have an actual impact.

Could be a brilliant move.

this. waiting for him to respawn on azuresong for an hour now.

I’m on azuresong too. The continued griefing is ridiculous. There’s a difference between participating in an event and deliberate griefing to the point that quests cannot be completed for hours on end.


Just got it and it looks cool, excellent for my DK (but still falls behind the ICC meta achievement mounts IMO). Will this thing be useable in DF as a dragonriding mount (designed for DKs)? If I’m looking at the correct pictures, it is more or less a reskin of the blue drake in DF. Hopefully it does, my DK is on MG and the others do not really fit.

This cross promotion is as highly effective as Keleseth’s Persuaders are at convincing Crusaders to tell me about Crimson Dawn.

Actually, scratch that, it’s very effective at making get the mount and never play Classic again.

I’m know that I’m likely in the minority here, but I wish mounts like this and the Tuskaar glider weren’t locked exclusively to buying/playing Classic and were available for purchase individually in the Store.

I have 0 interest in playing through the Classic version of the game again, but I enjoy collecting mounts in my downtime. I imagine there’s a decent amount of ppl who bought the Epic Version solely for the mount/toys, and then don’t login again after a couple of weeks/months. That’s exactly what I would do if I seriously wanted those items - play the bare minimum to get the rewards, then go back to retail and never play classic again. Not really a good metric to have, right?

Why not have a promotional bundle with all kinds of previously limited-time exclusive mounts (Anniversary Blizzard Bear, Meat Wagon, TBC/WotLK classic mounts, etc.) be available? Or make it an option for those who have 6month rolling subs to choose one of those mounts? Purchase via gold on the BMAH? Or as a package deal if you buy a WoW Token?

I know many don’t like Store-Exclusive Mounts, and I would typically be in agreement, but I also feel that having more options for consumers to choose from is generally a good idea.

If content/features are going to be paywalled, so be it - at least let me have some options to choose from so that I can pick what I feel works for me.

ok …so i have to waste 2 hours of my life playing a class i dont like to get a mount i cant use on a version of wow that i dont care about?

Ok that looks fabulous!!
Do want

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blizzard can then use the numbers of “sign ins” to be able to advertise all the millions of players that are playing classic now even though 80-90% will not play again just did it for the mount, promotion publicity is all this is and I will download classic play till I get the task done then quickly un-install classic same I did with harthstone for their promotion. blizzard wins either way but I will have the mount from it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I now have exactly 1 reason to play wrath classic.

Bit dirty to bribe me like this though, Blizzard. I hope my log in will make you feel better about wasting time on classic wrath.

So just trying to increase those Daily logins before the quarters call?