go illidan again oh wait he died 15 years ago
It’s great to see some of the remaining 200 players on Barman talk about how about how people will transfer there (Nekrage propaganda) when literally no one from another server has talked about transferring to Barman. You’d have to be out of your mind to transfer to a low pop server when BWL isn’t even out yet. The SoM population is a fraction of what classic was, if any of the servers make it all the wait to Naxx, the only NA server that’s going to make it is Jom. Blizzard made the right choice.
Why can’t Blizzard just do the connected realms thing? What about those of use that have a name we don’t want to lose? I really feel burned by this.
cause im sure the horde love being out numbers on jom so much who needs world bosses they drop nothing good anyways right
Thank you SO much!!! This will save the game. Only ONE server per region/mode
will make it to naxx.
ya the aliiance love it GL to the horde who move to the even more over allaince server
Boy, I cant wait to get ganked mercilessly because I didn’t get to transfer to a server that wasn’t Jom.
Barman is absolutely nothing like Grobbulus. I’m sorry. I am familiar with both of these servers and yes I know you’re posting from a Grobb character.
Grobbulus is a great server, there are some quirky people but I have nothing bad to say about it. The recent horde transfers should balance it out to very close to 50/50 and I even world PVPed on Grobb today, fighting over the towers and Halaa for quite a while. It was fun. I am really looking forward to seeing its future.
Faerlina, as it is, is fine for people who want fast groups etc as the large population allows for that, it’s not my style but some people like it.
Sadly I found that horde side of Barman is incredibly toxic. So much that I rerolled even though there are some good people there. The idea of being able to transfer my mage off Barman so I can play it again makes me happy.
Anyway if they open transfer options completely I’m ok with that.
should be free OFF jom to other servers not to… /waste
You probably shouldn’t be talking about ranking stuff and Barman together. Ranking there has been a disaster. Horde side but ally side a bit too, speaking from what is on the Discord.
Maybe 10% of the horde there have hit their ranking goals. The majority come out unhappy, often complete with angry outbursts on the Discord (understandable really) due to the extreme selfishness from some and, from what I am aware of, unchanged garbage FFA ranking.
Whereas on my Classic server 60% of people would hit their rank goals, often getting R14, and the ones who didn’t it was because of real life, but everyone was there for each other and took them as far as they wanted to go. Whereas Barman horde ranking has been in total shambles with people looking out for #1 and not each other for a while.
So maybe talk about just wanting a smaller more balanced server, and wanting more people for dungeons or something because talking about bottom-of-the-barrel ranking is not a selling point. At all.
You can always go pve server bro
barman is a walking corpse. SoM is too low populated to sustain another pvp server. They all need to be centralized for SoM to survive the year.
It’s pretty clear that people saying transfers should be to Barman are all from Barman themselves. As someone from neither Jon or Barman, I say please let us go to the largest server. I don’t want to hop from dying server to dying server.
Actually, I cant.
Check the list again “bro”
good lick fighting the 70% aliiance then
Jom hasnt had layers in a while…stop spreading false info. I rerolled from Barman shanker to Jom in Dec. I saw the writing on the wall that barman was just going to loose all the players prior to ZG let alone aq.
Please allow transfers onto Barman Shanker as well!!! We do not wish to go:)!!!
just saying… even if they open up the option to transfer to other servers besides Jom… you don’t have to choose those… its more about having the option available that us on Barman are asking for I think, thank you:)
Allow xfers from all PVP realms to a PVP realm which is NOT Jom Gabbar (purpose: preserve battleground queue times and no need to layer Jom Gabbar).
Allow xfers from all PVE realms to the highest pop PVE realm (purpose: retain PVE player base and bolster the struggling remaining PVE server, which appears to be Shadowstrike).
If there is an RP server, do the same for it, though I doubt that’s even a consideration atm (purpose: see above).
Make these transfers free (purpose: people are already disillusioned by SoM as a whole, making them pay even more in addition to their subs can only hurt SoM realm populations).
The choice of which server to allow transfers to is arbitrary, but the devs should probably endeavor to make transfers available only to realms that need it/stand a chance of retaining any sort of player base (purpose: only allowing xfers to overpopulated Jom will discourage people from playing the game. High bg queue times, layers with mats all being farmed 24/7 and inflated gold value are all detrimental to the game experience).
In summary: allow PVP realm transfers to Barman Shanker (highest pop PVP realm after Jom, and Jom doesn’t need more players), allow PVE realm transfers to Shadowstrike (only PVE realm which stands a chance of surviving into later phases) and finally do NOT allow any PVP realm transfers to Jom, only FROM Jom to Barman (or hell, even Shadowstrike).
end rant.
Who it’s responsible for decision making in this department?
Where did you learn to resolve a low pop server problem you offer free transfer to a mega server?
It should be the opposite don’t you think.