Place your bets!

This is just to have fun: Place your bets on what is going to happen next week during maintenance…

My bet after seeing the 7 - 11:00am PST end time- servers won’t be back up until some time around 4pm PST


I bet there’s going to be at least 5 threads about not being able to log in during maintenance :joy:


50-50 chance that this isn’t the last post about this upcoming Tuesday, what’s this one? 4?

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Oh easy post like

"This is 2024 and you still need maintenance , what is slower, Internet explorer or your servers? "

Then some random post completely derailing it saying

“BLIZZARD you destroyed my class, fix your fishing game”


Warbanks won’t be fixed.

5 gold bet.

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My bet is the window will be enough - this isn’t a major game update, its a patch, and I think that makes all the difference. Major updates like 10 to 11 probably include upgrading the OS the servers are running, and that can reveal all sorts of problems that lead to an extended maintenance.

My gold is the servers will be back up before 11am. Whatever the bet is, I call.

itll be another 8+ hour one

then when you can get on the event will be lag city people wont be able to tag correctly etc etc

It will be up and ready on time :crossed_fingers:

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I spoke to Miss Cleo and and she says the servers will be up close to on time and a few things will be fixed but other things will be broken.



Who is miss Cleo?

I’m hoping for an entire week of outage, just because I’ll be out of state starting Wednesday and working the previous night.

Aliens will invade and enslave us all!


i raise it to 10 gold.

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Aliens are to smart to come here

Miss Cleo was a late night 1-900 psychic from many years ago… she was hilarious (or at least the commercials were).



that sounds about right. pretty standard

Delayed maintenance isn’t funny

I bet a lot of bugs will be fixed and people will still whine.

Anything is funny when you joke about it.