Place your bets!

I bet it’s going to become wildly entertaining once a few people don’t have their expectations met one way or another.

I bet there will be some griping.

I bet there will be a bunch of trolls around to poke fun.

I’ll take 50 on the servers coming up, then issues logging in. Stuck loading screens, World Down, that sort of thing.

ONLY 5?!?! You sure are kind to the forum community X’D

Maybe 15-20?

Then another 5-10 demanding 30 cent refunds for the “time lost”.

Considering all the bugs from the last patch that still have to be fixed… let alone what might break with this patch…

I am going to bet that the servers are back up early. Cause I don’t know. I like a good long shot. :upside_down_face:

also how many times will they take it down???

$60.00 that Limp Bizkit makes a comeback this month.

I figured 5 was a safe bet, I didnt want to bet over because then I wont win anything (like on the price it right :joy:)

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Who? Is that a character?

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naw it’s a Nu-metal band from the late 90’s early 2k’s lol.

I think itll be up in time. 10k gold on it :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

There’s no conversion system being added to make stuff account-wide, so tomorrow’s will be far faster. Only bugfixes that need a restart.

Unless it has to scan the db to fix things that got mangled in the last conversion, should be pretty easy to finish in 4 hours. Haven’t noticed anything that looks that bad.

I’d put 10g on servers coming up earlier than 11 BUT prepatch events are broken somehow, like failing to reset and bosses stop spawning after the first 3.

wtf is “nu-metal”???

Puts my money chip on this

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My bet is 7pm east coast time.

tosses one copper into the pile of bets

late 90’s early 2k’s metal. I only know Mudvayne was nu metal. unsure of anyone else. Heck, Limp Bizkit may not even be nu-metal.

6pm pst.

I won the last patch bet(s) I made with players and cleaned up.

I admire your optimism!
We need you on our next raid attempt!

I’m gonna go ahead and claim absolute victory on the (predictable) long shot here!

Servers up at 10:30.
2 of the event bosses have now bugged out and failed to spawn in my region because server lag was so hideous it never recognized that the 6x events were completed.

They will fix 2 things but there will be 5 more things that weren’t bugged out before but are now. There will be a number of changes made that nobody asked for that break something else.

what happened