I would like to see a Pirate Themed Rogue set for Outlaws, maybe it can match the Dreadblades from Legion.
What do y’all think?
I would like to see a Pirate Themed Rogue set for Outlaws, maybe it can match the Dreadblades from Legion.
What do y’all think?
The less the pirate theme is forced on the spec, the better.
Also, BFA dungeon armor.
Also the benthic gear is very underwater piratey
Check my mog. Then again. Maybe you were looking for something more conservative in fashion.
I’d like to see the outlaw spec killed with fire so it’s just a piss poor bad day for all of us.
Yeah, bring back Combat
If you don’t use the shoulders the Antorus, or is it Kiljaeden, set with a pirate hat works perfect with the mage tower Outlaw appearance. It feels pirate themed to me.
I’d rather get a Cowboy set.
Cowboys > Pirates
yes but I would want it for hunters
good enough but I’m still sad they gutted the boots
The boots are a boe drop.
Normal and Heroics are but not Mythic and LFR
With the combo of BFA pirate themed and Shadowlands Venthyr weaponry, it should be very easy to knock something like that together currently. For folks who didn’t score the cool Legion MT rogue appearance, the Venthyr rapiers are a good substitute. There could be a bit more variety for Tricorns, TBH though.
That’s kinda what the Antorus set is.
The glaring problem with the Antorus set is the gloves and shoulders. Decidedly un-nautical.
I like the shoulders and gloves, I don;t like the mask rap around in the Mythic helmet
Also I wish the hair would clip through the hat too!
I hated being turned into a “common criminal” rogue with a sub theme as “6 year old boy’s glamorization of piracy”. I always saw myself as a Mata Hari type.
Fortunately, with all the other hats you could just ignore the Antorus hat. And yeah, clipping should have been fixed long ago. They have a fix, they just don’t use it for players.