Pirate should be banned

People get banned for griefing he did an obvious grief sipping his drink with a smirk on his face while saying he had no mana while he did.

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Impossible to tell if there was malicious intent or not, but it wasn’t really a grief and bringing it back to the pull and mistakes only serves to deflect from the actual issue at hand.

I love how this topic went from “he’s a roach” (only somewhat deserved, he ran when told to run and took no effort to fix mistakes that others had made to save them) all the way to rants and stupid arguments on the forums and a couple of subreddits.

The topic has kinda run its course, though. Now it’s just people raging at the bars of their self-created parasocial cages on BOTH sides. Who cares? It happened and it’s done. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Notice how absolutely no one is engaging with your stupidity.

Notice how no one thinks you’re right.

Notice how stupid you sound when you pretend to care about this topic.

Notice how no one will ever care as much as you do about such meaningless things.

Peak npc right here.


While pirate was totally in the wrong, think about his point of view. Even if you disagree with it. In the moment he paniced, he was thinking of the ton of enchanting mats in the bank that would be lost. He likely didn’t do anything malicious on purpose. Mistakes happen.

What’s with this new generation thinking you have to go full scorched earth, and salt the lands after, just because you hate something someone did?


Ridiculous take. You can’t ban someone for being selfish.

He didn’t grief anyone
He didn’t cause the mess
He didn’t have to help anyone
He was not obligated in any way
He had every right to roach out

He does deserve getting called out and the gkick but not a ban.

Nah this isn’t usual, it’s likely because there is more dirt coming out everyday. Apparently people were looking through games he played and he was talking about how people looking up how to solve puzzles is stupid…and then he proceeds to act like he solved a secret ending in a game with puzzles that took the community weeks to figure out. No idea how nobody knew until now, i guess they probably just got downvoted and censored until now.

This kind of behavior trend just leads to the same following that someone like DSP or Wings would get and it’s totally self inflicted by said repeat behavior.

Thank you for the clarification. His actions were in an enclosed bubble though, with his group ( roaching out ) I don’t think it warrants a ban, from having a bad personality.

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I think you should be banned, you probably sent death threats to him, in fact you should be sent to federal prison for making a death threat because death threats are illegal :slight_smile:

thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard reported

Butt hurt because you can’t handle the truth.

Tell me how panicked he was when he was casually smirking, sipping water, looking at the 2nd monitor while spamming blink/barrier 100y away from any melee mob ?
Telling him being panic is not different from saying he had no mana.

Are you going to say the same when tank refuses to use taunt and let you die because you shouldn’t outagro tank in any circumstances ? If you outagro tank, you should die ?
Or healer should never heal dps except for unavoidable dmg?
Their jobs were not just do take dmg or heal unavoidable dmg but also cover dps’s mistakes. But when tank or heal makes mistakes, the first thing dps should do is to roach out and let them die ?
Moreover, there wouldn’t be the mess from the beginning if pirate counterspelled the caster mob and brought it to the upper platform. His incompetence, ego, and ignorance caused 2 deaths, wasted hundreds of play time.
Though blizzard won’t ban this fraud due to their policies, he fully deserves other players’ contempts.

Panic looks different for everyone. Some people look calm. You don’t have to be screaming to be panicking.

Panic definition:

Yup, smirking and sipping water, playing with one hand, looking at the 2nd monitor are symptoms of “uncontrollable fear” and “wildly unthinking behaviour”
You should also say “he had no mana” to back up your defense for him.

This has nothing to do with how someone appears. You can panic, but be in a calm relaxed demener.

All people see is how he looks. And, because people have lower than 70 IQ these days (I can’t say the actual word without being forum banned, but google it), It does not excuse his actions. You can panic, and still be in the wrong. Since that’s all people care about, proving people are wrong.

Yes on all counts. There’s a difference between can’t and shouldn’t. I would call those players out, never group with them again and put them on my ignore list but they have every right to play how they want.

I see you also have pirate syndrom.
It was obvious he was smart for spending mana on trash spells to prove “I have no mana”, hovering over mana gem and mana robe but pretend they didn’t exist.
Also he was much smarter than others for forgetting to counterspell the caster which led to the disaster.

I see you unnecessarily hate pirate. Let me quote myself since you’re not smart enough to read.

Learn to read before you type.

Yeah because the modern thing is “look into everything that someone has ever said or done on the internet if you’re mad at them.”
It’s creepy, weird, and borderline stalkerish.
I guess I haven’t really said anything terrible on social media because I know I’ve pissed off of a lot of no-life losers who dig through people’s online footprint looking for things to attack them with.

They’re looking for more reasons to attack Pirate for something that wasn’t even his fault.
He didn’t make the pull.
He didn’t aggro the boss + other groups onto that pull.
He ran when the guy said “run.”

Could he have done something to stop two people from dying?

Is it his fault they died?