Pirate should be banned

How about we dig into your past history and use those things in an attack against you. What they’re doing is what I suggested we do without any concern that you’re different than you were 5 years ago.

Defending his smirking and smug as “panic”, ignoring the fact that he intentionally spent mana and ignore mana gems just to prove “I have no mana”

It was obvious that he intentionally let the party die to satisfy his ego and godhood attitude.

You do not only have pirate attitude but also his IQ. Spamming frost bolts then instantly roaching out requires a lot of IQ and knowledge. It was 100% tank’s fault for not having counter spell to bring the caster mob away from boss’s pathing.

You seem very caught up on something that has nothing to do with you, from a man you don’t watch. Why are you so obsessed with him? Oh you find him attractive, got it.

Very strange thing for you to say.

Strange that anyone is obsessed with him, people need to learn to move on and be adults.

I completely agree. He’s just a man who made a mistake. :man_shrugging:

Comon, your lord is never wrong.

It seems like you don’t get enough outside time, you should fix that and spend a week outside or something.

This seems to be your typical response in a debate. You shouldn’t skip school, tbh.

Say’s the one who isn’t capable of moving on from things. Most capable adults move on from things :slight_smile: yet you don’t seem capable.

And here you are in this very topic.

You don’t seem to be capable, let alone adult.

you need help kid

should Ozzy be banned for pulling more than intended for the 3rd time and killing people in his group?

So do you considering the fact that you’re trying to get pirate banned for breaking zero terms of service, ironic considering that you plastered his name as a title which is against terms of service, so by any amount of logic you should be banned.

LOL, this pirate supporter is so hilarious. If Pirate broke TOS, he would be already banned, there was no need for him to “try to get”. Because Pirate’s immoral behaviours enraged the community, that’s why OP wants Pirate to be banned regardless of the rules. However, we all know it won’t happen, but our Pirate’s sheep are rushing here, desperately defending their lord like their lives are on line :rofl:

the leopards might come for my face next

So by your logic the very enraged community who are harassing him all should be banned… Which would in theory include you. By ToS standards anyway.

Your reading comprehension skill very likely comes from Pirate academy.

So he should be banned for being an arrogant narcissist?

Really, a more appropriate ban would be for OP. Lacking IQ in the quantities needed to actually believe this should automatically ban a person from expressing thought.