Pirate Hats

With allll the backlash you’re getting right now,

Are you going to put these in the game NOW, as damage control, or…?

Yeah. I’m dying on this hill.


We already have a lot of pirate hats, don’t you think? I have at least 5 or 6.

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I want more overcoats like the Kul’tiran racial set or Flynns getup, THAT would be far more awesome to me and far more used.


Of all the hats featured in this article, that NPCs are wearing, we only have access to three of the tricornes, and two of the Bicornes, excluding faction and “Pirate!” Bicorne.

And all in Red and Blue, would you look at that? Almost like it’s Faction-centric.

No, I wanted, since I saw it in this article, The Updated model for the First Mates’ Hat, at the very least. at the very most, the side bicornes with the emblems for the Freehold Crews.

Island expeditions offer brown and green hats as well.

Wait, really?

Before Blizzcon 2018, they put Red, Blue, and Grey Tricornes on the Dubloon Vendor in Boralis and the Grand Bazaar. Other than that, no other new Transmog items were featured in Island Expeditions.

Checked, and nope, no Brown and Green hats… unless you’re talking about the grey (Brown) and Blue (Green) hats, which have that model.

Always nice to see more options, still sad that no coat was added for all the races though.

Saw something about a Wrathion backpack though? Would be great to have more than ugly cloaks.

Edit: They’re shown as being white items, and they might be tied to an event only. I hope that isn’t the case.

Oh yeah, that’s right. My green and brown pirate hats are from KT dungeons. Still, I have a lot of pirate hats. I guess an updated first mate’s hat wouldn’t be bad. I’d more like to see a super fancy Napoleonic hat with plumes, though… and powdered wigs, and pancake makeup and beauty patches and fancy walking sticks, carriages and Versailles.

ditto, even though it’ll probably stick to the legs

I have lots of pirate hats. Always room for more though I suppose. I’ll definitely sign up for more coats.

You had me up until Carriages and Versailles. The rest of it could be implemented as toys. In lieu of Powdered Wigs, Would you settle for Darkmoon Faire Duskhaven Transmog and a cloth Top Hat instead?

Top Hat that doesn’t clip my luxurious red locks and it’s a deal.

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I think those are just the outfits you get when you do the quest Swashbuckling in Style.

It would be nice to have them as transmog, I am particularly fond of that cute little stripey bikini top.

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I love pirate hats but they’re a no-go for me until they let hair hang from the hats. If savory deviate delight pirate transform can do it, why not all hats.

Tricorne hats are always welcome… just wish blizz wouldn’t chop the hair when you use it…

This, so much this! I wanted an overcoat ever since BFA was announced. My monk wants the coat! Give give give give!