Pirate, Cowboy, or Samurai?

Apparently, you can tell a lot about a person based on their answer. So would you rather be a pirate, cowboy or samurai? And would you say any of those three are represented by a class/spec in WoW?

I consider my outlaw rogue a pirate and there’s a lot of pirate mogs so probably any class can be a pirate? Blademasters which are a type of warrior(?) seem to be WoW samurai. Cowboy is the only odd one out with no representation.

As for which I would pick, I choose cowboy. We need more Wild West type content in WoW :triumph:

easy choice for me… when my house looks like this.


Cowboy originated as a derogatory term for black ranchers. Samurai are too strict, I’ll pass. Pirates were termed by Imperialists so that’s a plus, fight against the empire! Hardtack isn’t that bad either once you get used to it.

I want to be a Cowboy Samurai because I can’t really choose one or the other.


I feel like I’d probably be best as a cowboy. :smiley:


Fancy, can I visit? lmao

What? I thought it was a direct translation of the Spanish word vaquero. We Mexicans contributed a lot to the Western culture.

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There should be some room available in the dungeon, sure.

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What about cyborgs?


Patience and make your strikes count.


In that case, I think you should take the ishnu alla guy :see_no_evil:

You can be a Cyborg plus any of those three choices

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Well I’ve already studied the blade so I have to go with samurai.

Doesn’t matter what I’d pick, I’d be dead either way.

Probably cowboy, the other two seem more violent.

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I guess that depends. Are you talking about the modern/semi modern day cowboy? Or Wild West cowboy? Because I can assure you the latter was pretty dang violent. :sweat_smile:

Eh, but a lot of “pirates” were actually privateers and if you call them “pirate” or “privateer” just depends on if they’re from your country or not.

I feel like a lot of people who would choose samurai in the given example know samurai from anime and don’t actually know a lot about historical samurai. :slight_smile:

This is a good point too! :open_mouth: Either way, I know little about cowboys.

Being a not very physically coordinated person myself, this likely applied to me too! :smiley:

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Has nothing to do with coordination, I’m just too stupid to live.


You left out Ninja :ninja:


Isn’t that like a combo of them all though?

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A Samurai was a higher caste armored warrior with a religious base (Zen Buddhism & Bushido) and were known as “protectors of the people.” Because WoW has tried to water down the meaning of “Paladin” by so much, Samurai in WoW would be Paladins…

Oh, and to edit: A pirate joke.

Q) What is a pirates favorite letter?

A) You might think it’s R, or even C. But nope. Their favorite is the letter of marque from their king.