Pink Transmogs

So i just picked up a couple of Pink Elekks for hunter pets that hunters may now tame during Brewfest , thanks blizz. While looking for a mog to match them i came to realize there are very few if any items that are pink. I never gave it much thought before and was wondering is this just an overlooked color to use on gear or is there a tech reason.

I would like to see a dye system in wow like other games have but not sure how that would work with their tech. Alchemy and Scribes could maybe slot this into their profession as well as Tailors and maybe Leather workers. Rare dyes and mats needed to craft rare dyes could be rewards for all type of content

 If unable to work dyes into older armor maybe have it usable for armor in new content going forward

hey, if the pink transmog are would a big options? maybe…

But we need a JRPG experience like it’s Warcraft 3 character Design.


  • sorceresses with Magical Girl appearance
  • Blademaster Warriors like samurais.
  • Jaina classic like BRITNEY SPEAR appearance, i know that’s JRPG no longer sounds but CAPCOM did with Ashley in a RE4 skin, because not for our characters.
  • More Night Elf Building with japanese style.
  • a SHINY, SKIMPY NELF ARCHER BIKINI ARMOR :bikini: yeah… the Night elf Campain Skimpy bikinis archer armor have MAGIC…
  • And for the dessert, a new Tinker new style class between a classic WC3 Tinker classic style for tank and healer, with a caster or range dps class with OW Style.
  • More White panties in Skimpys armors, to demonstrate the purity of a design that was never sexualized, apart from that a Shivarra Boss in Antorus raid could have as a thong, why not our characters? specially in female designs

Without forgetting, it can not only be the color pink, also trying to give different bright or very light colors that WoW could not give in those days due to the lack of experience in the graphic quality of the game.

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I agree with the genius who said this. :slight_smile:

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more pink and a dye system would be good, surely coming up to year 2022 Blizzard can figure out and implement a dye system.


I am honestly desperate for some fun pink mogs, lol. I want to be cute and colourful!


Why not? :wink:


I’ve been making threads for pink armor in the game every few months for years. Still hasn’t happened. :confused:


I think the only vibrant pink transmogs in the game are a handful of holiday items, a few Mage/cloth sets and the Bloodscale plate armor. IIRC, Leather and Mail have to make due with piecemeal items that lean closer to magenta/wine/lavender colors.

It’s… weird how little there is.

That would be cool :slight_smile:
So far, my favorite teeny beanie hunter is using a pink shirt and the pink flower hat. I don’t know what else he is wearing, probably pants of some kind.

Looking at your profile, it would appear that you’ve gone the Neapolitan route.

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That’s what I’m going to think of when I look at him, I love it! Ty <3

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closest thing to pink tmog for mail would be this:

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Give me more pink mogs, now! Kthxbye. :heartpulse: :hibiscus:


Only if they add black gear too.

Not dark gray

Not dark brown or dark green.



I see you are a person of culture as well.


This is a good statement, but the real issue is they could already implement a dye system.

Pink gear for every class type. Also pink cosmetics.


We only have 2 pink mounts in game. More pink in WoW please.


Eww, that is ugly.


Are you for real arguing that we can’t have dyes in game because we’d have to make Jaina Proudmoore look like Britney Spears? That is asinine, especially coming from a Blood Elf. YOUR /DANCE IS LITERALLY TOXIC, YOU ARE BRITNEY SPEARS.

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That is how they themselves cut costs by recoloring stuff.

I guess the real question is: IF they lose their monopoly on recoloring stuff, how else they will fake adding armor model content ?

Pin threads about pink gear to this one I don’t know how to do it unfortunately.

I made a pink thread, but I don’t know if it still exists, because I did a name change.
