Pink Transmogs


You can’t deny that we come from one hit wonders that are now a music disaster.

Except MC hammer and Napoleon Dinamite.

but in the pants and skimpy armor plz…

Don’t forget in white more.

Well maybe some day we can get it

I vote that they do what they did during TBC’s first tier and Wrath’s ToC, and tweak the textures on different versions of the same set:

(Homer Voice): If Blizzard Devs rework the reward structure so prestige is connotated by decorative frills and not color, dyes would allow for many true black items.

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Like this?

A dye system would shake the possibly of transmogs to the core. I wouldn’t even have time for the game, just be hanging out in the mog menu making sets.

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Magical girl appearance. You have my vote.

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As much I would also love it (as would many others) the deves have told us repeatedly that it cant be done because of the way the gear is created in WoW. It was again asked at the 2018 Blizzcon Q&A and this was the answer:

Sometimes I gear a piece of gear that looks cool but doesn’t fit my mog! Are we ever going to gear armor dye?

A (Chris): Not for everything, or every existing item in the game. Color changes don’t work super well with how we do the painting in wow – nothing is really just ONE color, to give it depth. Tinting or dying doesn’t always work with that system. We’d have to shift things to grey and then add a color on top of it and we’re concerned this wouldn’t really work.

Ask and you shall recieve
Pink elekk pets, a guild tabard, and love rocket is all you need


I think the only “pink” colored complete outfit that would work with the elephants is a plate set, Bloodscale

Blizzard Should that design seen in Warcraft 3 as seen in the RTS have already been done, are there few pixels that complicated it so much?

Yeah ever the Sorceress she is a Magical Girl in AZREROTH.

but like the grunt orcs not seen much in Ogrimmar. what did we end up in WotLK in Culling of Straholme and Halls of the Reflexion?


Now that I improve the details of the customization Blizzard needs to really pay respect to the character style seen in Warcraft 3.

Not the Refund disaster just in case.

I remember that comment at BlizzCon 2018.

It was a bad answer then and a bad answer now, especially since after that statement Blizzard completely redesigned how World of Warcraft renders character models in order to support the new customization options added in Shadowland.

No one’s saying adding a dye system will be easy. People are saying, however, that it would dramatically improve people’s engagement with the game, and people want rewards that aren’t just a color palette swapped version of an old thing, and Blizzard needs to prioritize game updates like that over updates that do not add long-lasting benefit to the game.

I would also like to see more pink transmogs.

Typically, I like the challenge of coming up with an outfit that suits my characters from what is available but in the case of my pink-crazy priestess, nothing true pink is available, so it would be nice to see this rectified.

Especially given Blizzard’s new awareness of how their game has been slanted towards male sensibilities.

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