How do I get the red x/box in a macro. It only shows for enemy players.
I wanna macro it to frostbolt?
How do I get the red x/box in a macro. It only shows for enemy players.
I wanna macro it to frostbolt?
How do I mute pings from teammates?
You don’t
I figured it out kinda
I figured out the red. When you /ping an enemy it turns red. Hmmm. What should I use for polymorphs? /ping warning is red and /ping [@target] is also red. Maybe I will just use /assist for polymorphs?
actual question? you block them, it hides their minimap and ingame pings
/ping [@target] attack
is orange
/ping [@target] warning
is red
/ping [@target] assist
is green
There exists the following pings:
/ping attack
/ping assist
/ping onmyway
/ping warning
Personally, I use onmyway to show casted CC like Polymorph which may not land. Then warning for instant CC.
Just as long as you communicate what each ping means.
I used the others sparingly for defensive cooldown use and when attacking with DPS cooldowns and whatnot, but I found it was a little overkill. Using one or two types of CC pings alone were a good indication of intent and circumstance, and clearer without the mess of more types of pings.
Yea I just did green for poly and /ping [@arena1] for kill. The /ping [@whatever] is a red x if it’s a player. A different shade of red/orange and icon than /ping attack or /ping warning. This is not documented in any of the ping guides.