Ping System: Macro Guide and Wish List

What is the Ping System?

Building Azeroth: Intro to the Ping System
Watch Video on World of Warcraft’s Twitter

Ping System: How to Use
Watch Video on World of Warcraft’s Twitter

So What Works and What Doesn’t?

What Works:

[@Unit] or [@Unit, Conditional]
[@mouseover] or [@mouseover,harm]

What Doesn’t Work:


Why does it not work?
Most likely just a bug.

Ping, Unit, and Conditional Options

Ping Options:

Ping, Attack, Assist, Warning, and On My Way

Unit Options for Ping: Most Popular

[@mouseover], [@player], [@pet], [@target], [@focus], [@party1], [@arena1]

Conditional Options for Ping: Most Popular

[harm], [help], [exists], [nodead], [mod:shift/ctrl/alt]

  • The counter “no” can be added to a conditional to do the opposite of intended use. For example, [nomod] will execute the macro if no modifier is held down.

Solitary Ping Macro Examples

Macro: Player

/ping [@player] Assist

  • Pings the player with an assist ping.

Macro: Mouseover or Target (Harm/Help Conditionals)

/ping [@mouseover,harm] Attack; [@mouseover,help] [@target,help] Warning [@target,harm] Attack

  • Pings the mouseover, if none, then the target with attack ping if considered harmful or a warning ping if considered helpful.
  • If preferred, this mouseover/target macro can be broken down to just a mouseover only or a target only macro.

Macro: Mouseover Only (Harm/Exists Conditionals) and Location

  • Pings the mouseover with a warning ping if considered harmful, an assist ping if considered helpful, or a standard ping if considered neutral. If no unit is found with mouseover, then pings the ground location of the mouse cursor with a standard ping.

Nonsolitary Ping Macro Examples

Macro: Player - Teleport

#showtooltip Transcendence: Transfer
/use Transcendence: Transfer
/ping [@player] Ping

  • Pings the player with a standard ping upon using a teleport spell or item.
  • Examples: Transcendence: Transfer (Monk), Demonic Circle: Teleport (Warlock), Gateway Control Shard (Item)

Macro: Player - Drink/Food

/use Conjured Mana Bun
/use Delicious Dragon Spittle
/ping [@player] Warning

  • Pings the player with a warning ping upon using a drink/food item.
  • Consumes Conjured Mana Bun (Mage), if none, then Delicious Dragon Spittle.

Macro: Target - DPS

#showtooltip Sharpen Blade
/use [@target] Sharpen Blade
/ping [@target] Attack

  • Pings the target with an attack ping upon using a harmful spell.
  • Examples: Sharpen Blade (Warrior), Deathmark (Rogue), Psyfiend (Priest)

Macro: Focus - CC

#showtooltip Blind
/use [@focus] Blind
/ping [@focus] Warning

  • Pings the focus with a warning ping upon using a crowd control spell.
  • Examples: Blind (Rogue), Polymorph (Mage), Repentance (Paladin)

Macro: Party - Aid/Augment

#showtooltip Intervene
/cast [@party1] Intervene
/ping [@party1] Assist

  • Pings party member 1 with an assist ping upon using a helpful spell. Can change the ping from assist to attack if your wanting your party member to attack.
  • Examples of Assist: Intervene (Warrior), Blessing of Sanctuary (Paladin)
  • Examples of Attack: Power Infusion (Priest), Bloodlust/Heroism with Shamanism PvP Talent (Shaman)

Macro: Shaman Totem (Method 1) - Ping Location

#showtooltip Earthen Wall Totem
/use [@cursor] Earthen Wall Totem

  • Pings the ground location of the mouse cursor with a standard ping upon deploying a totem. Pings on first usage of the macro, but not effectively replicable.
  • Works effectively only with [@cursor] macros.
  • Examples: Earthen Wall Totem (Shaman), Demonic Gateway (Warlock)

Macro: Shaman Totem (Method 2) - Ping Totem

#showtooltip Earthen Wall Totem
/use Earthen Wall Totem
/target Earthen Wall Totem
/ping [@target] Ping

  • Pings the selected totem with a standard ping after the totem has already been deployed. Pings only on each additional usage of the macro, but is effectively replicable.
  • Works effectively with or without [@cursor] macros.
  • Examples: Earthen Wall Totem (Shaman), Summon Demonic Tyrant (Warlock)

Wish List

  • Ping Sound: louder and as it’s own sound channel, instead of belonging to sound effects. Some players prefer to have sound effects off, which unfortunately disables Ping sounds.
  • Ping Radial Menu: size to be adjustable as an Edit Mode feature and able to bound to a modifier (alt, shift, ctrl) or mouse click.
  • Targeted Ping: implement a cooldown, like pause target pinging on a specific/unique player for 5 seconds after initiating a target ping, to disallow targeted spamming. Location ping spam seems fine.
  • Ping Macros: able to ping friendly totems and nonprimary friendly pets directly.
    Example: /ping [target=Earthen Wall Totem] Warning
  • Ping Macros: the conditional @cursor to work for ping so we can drop a ping at a location along with an aoe spell that has no target.

Thoughts From the Author


Change to make it always prioritize mouseover

/ping [@mouseover,harm] Attack; [@mouseover,help] [@target,help] Warning; [@target] Attack

I haven’t tested if the ping system needs you to specify @target but in general for macros it’s implied.
I see you addressed it in your “what doesn’t work” section.

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Thank you for catching that.

Hello, folks !

Do you guys know if there’s a way to make the macro ping only once instead of spamming ?

Figuring a way to ping a Warning when I’m landing a CC.

Regards !

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I’d also love to be able to just ping the ground, ignoring players.
Sometimes I try to ping a location mid-raid and if there’s any player nearby it’ll target them instead - it’s a bit annoying not being able to ignore players entirely and just ping the floor.

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Great list, thanks!

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Same, but I don’t think there’s anyway to do that at the moment. The ping system is very much in it’s preliminary stage.

I could see an [@cursor] macro working, whenever the WoW Devs decide to implement it.

Did some testing and I don’t think it’s possible to do in one macro without using a [mod] conditional or splitting it into two macros/keybinds.

Hoping WoW Devs implement a cooldown under Ping System Options, like pause target pinging for 3 secs after initiating a ping, to disallow spamming.

I’ve found this gives me the most versatility, because the default keybind doesn’t support frame mouseovers and the macro system doesn’t support cursor.

/ping [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Attack; [@mouseover,exists,nodead] Assist
/stopmacro [@mouseover,exists]
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Good macro, will add to the guide soon.

I didn’t know /ping by it self would actually ping the ground and thought it was for unit ping only. Good to know and this opens up ways for creating new ping macros. Thank you for sharing.

Updated my macro to the following so it doesn’t use assist on mouseover objects like the tornados or teleporters in various dungeons and because I don’t care if what I’m mouseover pinging is alive.

/ping [@mouseover,harm] Warning; [@mouseover,help] Assist; [@mouseover,exists] Ping
/stopmacro [@mouseover,exists]
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Made it even better and I updated the guide. Thank you.

If anyone’s having issues with ping macros on non-english clients…

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Anyone knows if there is a way to setup some “delay” in between pings? I use:
/ping [target=mouseover,harm,exists,nodead][target=focus,harm,exists,nodead] Alert;Alert
/cast [target=mouseover,harm,exists,nodead][target=focus,harm,exists,nodead] Polymorph; Polymorph;
But, as any onther good player, I don’t press the skill one time LoL, so I spam a lot of ping to use one single skill.

I would love a Ping [shift:mod] macro that works almost exactly the same way the in game standard ping system does. With it distinguishing between [@player] and [@mouseover].
Regular macro’s or Macros imbedded into Opie, I’d take a solution whichever way it comes.
Instead of it pinging me while mouse is 15 yards away or the other way around. Would be a tremendous help in Keys.

–Similar To My DND Macro–

  • #showtooltip
    /cast [mod:shift, @player] [@cursor] Death and Decay

Shift makes it --[@player]-- Automatically, no guessing
No shift its --[@mouseover]-- No @player option to be confused with

  • /Ping
  • /Ping Warning

These 2 In particular not pinging weird would be a massive quality of life, especially while tanking keys.

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/ping [mod:shift,@player] []
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This one doesn’t ping at mouseover its always on player shift or no shift

/ping [mod:shift,@player] ; [@mouseover,harm] Warning; [@mouseover,help] Assist; [@mouseover,exists] Ping
/stopmacro [mod:shift] [@mouseover,exists]