don’t look at interrupt changes
I would suggest to Make it 100%>50%>0% then.
Means: just 2 CCs before it’s on full DR.
I hate this micro CCs too and they aren’t worth the CD anyway.
Those changes are actually all really consistent lol. Same cd kicks going to same duration, you’re really bad at this.
Every school lockout gets reduced except hunter. Mmm yummy, perfect consistency.
It kinda sounds like you just want hunter to be better than other classes. Almost like you have some kind of bias that you seem unwilling to acknowledge.
Every school lockout gets reduced to hunter’s duration with same cd/range. Yea consistency, again you’re really bad at this.
The problem with Pikaboo’s take is he only looks at it from one position, the Pro scene and super high rated arena. Arena is super punishing and when you die you are out, unlike in BGs. The problem is BGs get no love anymore either. But the changes actually cater more to BGs and will help new or returning players out quite honestly.
Really enjoying my 3 second lockout 40 yard range pummel. MMMM so consistent.
You need to learn a little bit about what you’re talking about lol… Pummel 15sec CD, Counter Shot 24sec CD. If anything Counter Shot shot should move up to ranged kick durations but I’m not going to advocate for a buff during sweeping nerfs lol.
wow it’s almost like there’s more nuance factoring into these changes than you were initially willing to admit. Against all odds, you’re learning. I’m very proud.
It’s more like you’re dense.
Oh yeah? Well you’re a big ol’ stinky goober. So there. Neener neener.
Streamers be like, throwing their food in the floor, and yelling “I WANT MA CHICKEN TENDIES”.