Uh what is it you think that changed about threat generation thresholds lol?
I get what you are saying and even blizz has talked about similar things for the conduits to change an aoe to a single target or vice versa. Now comes the issue about that we are now using a system to make the abilities less unique and less powerful to become more balanced. This now starts to invalidate the entire system. The abilities by the way they look are almost fully designed to be different and be used for different things but that can’t be balanced and screws over the game due to the amount of different content. So the solution to augment the abilities change them and make them similar might balance it to a degree but removes the uniqueness of some abilities and functions.
What becomes the point of this system if its designed to be a choice but then also designed to make differences so small that it doesn’t matter and invalidating it with adding augments to change them similar to others? Its literally tons of wasted development time to do nothing. It would be simpler to just let everyone have access to all the abilities and soul binds forget the locked nonsense and then from there allow conduits to augment and make them even more unique instead of similar go just nuts since balance isn’t as much of an issue if everyone has them.
Instead of designing a system to invalidate itself and waste development time that could be used on other more important things things like making classes and specs feel and play better which alot are lacking. Hell systems existence is already mostly invalidated since it IS going away at the end of the xpac and its entire point is to add to a choice…that ultimately doesn’t matter since it goes away anyway.
Yeah. I get you entirely. I just want us to get the best version of Shadowlands possible. And if it requires scrapping the Covenant Abilities and making them baseline, then by all means.
I’m just open to them trying out their experiment. If it isn’t working after Soulbinds are out, then I say scrap it.
This is the correct answer.
After seeing more about soulbinds I believe this is the right choice even more.
I really like those vampire people but I doubt it will jove w/ my paladins, so I will make my death knights join them and have the paladins join the Val’kir looking people.
I am basing this solely on looks since I don’t know much beyond that.
That’s what I’d hope I would be able to do.
Unfortunately i feel the power disparity would be far too great for me to pick what I thought looked the best. Especially as a cutting edge raider.
I actually agree with the OP here.
Any time you play a classical RPG there’s always the dilemma of choices that are tied to powerful rewards. Sure your first play through you might pick the one you think is cooler over the one that is more powerful for the sake of ignorance, but I guarantee you will pick the more powerful option on your second play through.
While player choice is important. That should be an aesthetic, narrative, and story based element of the game and not one that heavily effects gameplay.
Here here.
The greatest RPGs of all time have choices that manage to tell a spectacular story and incorporate meaningful choices without locking abilities/power behind it.
If DOS2, Witcher 3 and Baldurs Gate 2 can do it, why can’t WoW?
It annoys me when people pretend not to understand why others might want the covenants to come with real differences that actually change the way you can play in some circumstances. As if this isn’t a super basic RPG concept. You make almost any choice in D&D and it will 100% impact your power and is typically not something you can just undo.
Unfortunately I still ultimately have to agree with them. As much as I like the idea of rp-ing a character defining choice that changes my gameplay it just doesn’t fit modern wow. The game took a different path back when we gained the ability to swap freely between all of our specs and even more to swap talents at the drop of a hat.
In the context of a normal RPG making a decision be cosmetic only feels a little limp. But in our case it really is the only way to justify making the decision permanent. Wow isn’t d&d and it is not an RPG known for rewarding/punishing player choice.
Super wild results! I thought everyone on here said that only a tiny minority will be picking their strongest covenant? That poll sure does tell a different story.