Picking a covenant can be a meaningful choice without chaining abilities to it

What actually am i missing here? I get the argument is the choice is supposed to be a meaningful one but why can’t it be meaningful based on the lore behind the covenants, the armor sets and/or rewards?

If i can change covenants, albeit with “some difficulty” doesn’t that make the choice not that meaningful? Just more or less a hassle? It selecting an azerite power considered a meaningful choice currently? I have to go to town and spend gold to swap over.


It should be more of a story driven, character flavor investment than a gameplay one.


I like the idea of having special abilities depending on your Covenant.

But then comes balancing. Hopefully Blizz can figure this out before launch, because it would be absolutely awesome if they could.

I’m really crossing my fingers for our savior(s), Soulbinds, to make it work.

I’m going to quote someone from my other thread (Which got reported for trolling when the original post was completely fine…)

And to be frank anyone who has played this expansion should know balance isn’t something that blizzard is great at…


Yeah, again, I don’t think they’re balanced right now. Blizzard is looking to use the Soulbind “major nodes” to try and tune Covenant Abilities that way. For instance, let’s say we have the Necrolord Warrior ability.

How it works is for every creature you kill, it’ll give A buff. This is obviously really only a Mythic+/Torghast ability. What if a Soulbind node makes it so now it no longer is buffed from enemies killed, but is now buffed from number of attacks up to a maximum?

(Remember there’s 3 Soulbinds, so they could all focus on the aspects of the game at which each ability is lacking in.)

But again, we’ll just have to wait and see how this turns out.

Yeah, but that’s not the point of this thread though.

The point is why can’t picking a covenant based on appearance or liking the lore not be considered a meaningful choice? Why do abilities have been held ransom behind them for it be meaningful?


I mean, I don’t care. I like the idea they have and I want them to try and make it work.

Having unique abilities adds something to the Covenant and it’s identity.


I don’t want them to try and make it work

The word try implies the chance if failure

This is pretty much like watching a teenager try do a bike jump over a free way and as adults we can’t just let them throw them selves into on coming traffic even though we know they might be able to make it if they try


Kinda sucks though when you really like the gameplay possibilities afforded by a covenant’s abilities but really don’t like the aesthetic.

I can’t stand the Venthyr aesthetic, but their abilities are AWESOME from a gameplay standpoint, at least for MM Hunter. I love the Night Fae aesthetic, but I have little interest in their abilities.


I mean, that’s the goal. It’s a difficult choice.

Which they’ve already told us numerous times on multiple occasions that if it doesn’t work they’ll just allow anybody to use the abilities.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

They’re going to miss the shot even if they do take it because they’re aiming at the wrong target


The thing is there are some seriously sad people here who hate the idea of choice and like the idea of punishing players it’s unfortunate but it’s a fact. These kind of people are who spam reported your post.


Yeah you can try and play around the analogy but that doesn’t mean what you said makes any sense.

They have the opportunity to make something really good here. Let them try it.

It’s not. You choose whichever is best for your preferred mode of play and don’t get to make an aesthetic or story choice because the deltas are massive. It makes the covenant choice much easier honestly because it takes away the ability to choose if you play at even a decent level.


No, I’m sick of letting them try borrow power systems and screwing up the game for half the expansion to fix it somewhat in the second to last patch then make it actually tolerable in the final patch. This has happened both times they have done this borrowed power junk.


You literally did not read a single thing I said.

Soulbinds have the potential to fix the problems in Covenant Abilities. They want to try it. Why not let them before tossing it out?

Artifacts were fine for the most part. The problem only came when they were removed.

Soulbinds only seek to alter the Covenant Ability on itself and give tiny little boosts to your completed character.

I’ve let them try 2 times before this

I think they’ve had enough time trying and we know what happens when they do

This isn’t a good system and they should abandon it ASAP and stop wasting time on trying to fix it


This makes it worse, not better

Thanks for playing

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Really? Did they try to make a meaningful choice between 4 factions to determine the course of your experience of the expansion before?

I don’t remember that. Last I checked, Artifacts were just talent trees revisited as endgame progression, and Azerite Armor was a lazy replacement to Tier Sets.

Playing what?

Artifacts/Legendaries were a combined system and legendarys were horrible until there was a vendor. Artifacts also screwed up playing multiple specs until ak got to an enormous amount.

Lol at thinking souldbonds are tiny little boosts read them they are freaking enormous. I’m sick of blizzard forcing borrowed power systems just give us two new rows of talents we haven’t had a new row since freaking wod.