Physical Blizzard Authenticator

Same here. I’ve been away for a while and when I came back the dam thing still works.

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I normally half joke with… That my thing have lasted LONGER then the shop it was bought in… I bought it in a gamestop the week the store opened… That store have been closed for OVER ten years :stuck_out_tongue:


The way modern touch screens work, cold fingers is not what is impacting your touch screen. Modern screens don’t respond to pressure, they respond to changes in electric field. Your fingertip usually has enough charge on it that the screen picks up the change when you move close, but if the layer of dead skin on the part of your finger where you’re trying to touch is too thick, it won’t respond. This can be a callous or just having dry skin.

Using a moisturizer especially water based can improve this, or even licking your finger can help.

A capacitive stylus fixes this because it bypasses your non-conductive fingertip and picks up charge from your entire hand, which gets conducted down the stylus to the screen.


Apparently the keyfob authenticator is no longer being offered, based on another post I saw here. Can someone point me to the Blizzard Support article or other official post that announced the change? Thanks in advance.

I don’t believe that they made an official announcement regarding the discontinuing of the physical form. I see Kal typing…so if I’m wrong, he’ll correct me :wink:

No official announcement. Kal mentioned it about a year ago, and Icy Veins and Wowhead reported it.

There was no post to announce. We generally don’t announce when our gear store discontinues specific products. It hasn’t actually been available for purchase for a number of years now.

At the time I made the post that Ohgodmyeyez linked, we had already discontinued the product and had recently sold out of the supply we still had in the warehouse.

Edit: going to move this into the other thread. I can’t think of a good reason to split the discussion.

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I found this reference.

I don’t think there was a support article, just that the references to the physical authenticator were removed from the general article on the authenticator.

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This worries me, as my authenticator is pretty damn old and occasionally unresponsive. Don’t own a cell phone, so if that thing dies and I get an authenticator prompt, my WoW career is over. =\

Nah, you should be able to remove it either by yourself (if your login hasn’t expired) or by opening a support ticket. Our Game Masters help with this all the time.


I use gmail for my which has authenticator on it plus authenticator on my blizzard account to make it hack proof with gmail


So if one were to want to switch from a physical authenticator, to the Mobile app, what’s the proper procedure? I looked in the account settings and saw where I could REMOVE it, but not where I could switch to a different one. Or maybe I can set up the app in such a way as to replace the physical device without having to change the account settings?

You will have to remove it at least once on the bnet account level.


This, yes. You’ll have to remove the physical one (easy enough to do if it’s still functional and/or you know your security question answer), and then you can attach a mobile one. The process is actually quite quick if you aren’t in a position that requires GM intervention/assistance – not more than five minutes.


Wouldnt the SMS code work just as well my authenticator went kaput and just been using the sms code

Yep, that’s an option too. Hell, sometimes I use SMS myself, when my keys are out of reach and I’m too lazy to get up.

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Guess i should get the mobile app and remove the key fob but too lazy.

Ideally, you should use both. While SMS will notify you of changes and allow you to verify your identity to the account for recovery purposes, it doesn’t actively block logins. So, if an unauthorized login is somehow able to slip past the usual “suspicious activity” locks the authenticator is needed to prevent access to the account.


It’s easy, might take 10 minutes tops including downloading the app. And the mobile app is a lot better for lazy people, no more manually entering a code, just one-touch validate the login and you’re good to go. I just did it not 5 minutes ago and I already love it.


Can’t speak for the mobile app, but when I removed my old key fob and replaced it with a new authenticator, it took less than two minutes.
Process was:

  1. Remove old authentication via web.
  2. Confirm removal with SMS.
  3. Add new authentication via web.
  4. Confirm add with SMS.