Physical authenticator

No, but Customer SERVICE does.


You are not asking for support. You are asking for a change to authentication. That is a Development issue, not Customer Support.


Iā€™m sorry, Thahl, but Customer Support isnā€™t ā€œprovide whatever I am asking for because Iā€™m a customerā€. It would be wonderful if we could but some things are entirely out of our purview.

The best we can do is provide what advice and guidance we can for the situation.

While I appreciate your reasoning, it doesnā€™t really work like that. The Customer Support forum isnā€™t monitored by our game or system developers. Any suggestion/feedback for aspects of the game, including account management, need to be directed appropriately.

That can be posting in General Discussion or through the Submit a suggestion option through the Support menu in-game.

As nothing more can be achieved here Iā€™m going to close these up.

Thanks, all!