<Phõenix> 5/8 H EP is recruiting all!

5/8 Heroic EP

As the title says we are recruiting all. We are rebuilding a former mid tier Mythic Raid guild into an AOTC raiding / Mythic + dungeon guild. To be clear, we will NOT be going into Mythic raiding. (Been there, done that, don’t want the grind again)

Raid times are Tues and Weds from 9-11 PM Server.

We are looking specifically for:

Tank: Pretty much anything but a Prot Paladin :smiley:
Healers: HPally/MW Monk/HPriest
RDPS: Mage/Warlock/Spriest/Boomkin/Elemental Shaman
MDPS: Rogue/Demon Hunter

Any other spec/role will be looked at but that’s what we are specifically after.

We are AOTC (Heroic) focused for raiding as well as being active in Mythic Plus dungeons and overall active in the game and helping alts/leveling characters.

Raiding with us is mostly laid back experience but we will not be so casual that we don’t down bosses and we waste everyone’s time as well.

If you want to be in on the ‘bottom floor’ of a growing guild and community then we welcome you.

You don’t have to be crazy geared and we will work with you but please understand the fundamentals of your class and role for raid as well as having adequate gear for each level of difficulty of raid you want to participate in.

You can contact me in game on:
Gangrule - Death Knight
Ganngrule - Paladin
Lucean - Warrior
or my Battlenet ID - Tlc808#1583

We are not a toxic environment nor will we tolerate that type of behavior from anyone.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Still looking for ranged dps and healers. PST

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Ranged DPS and Heals… are you there? This is a good guild that wants to clear content with people that want to have a good time while achieving a goal. First guild raid scheduled for 7/30

Very flexible and easy to work with. Made up of family and friends. Accepting anyone, were trying to bulid an old guild back up.

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As a new returning alliance player, this is an awesome guild for experienced or new players. Very friendly and welcoming. If you are looking to get in and help build the core of a raiding guild that will last past the first few weeks of a new tier, this is a great one to join.

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Interested in H priest? the times are great.

We are always interested. Pls contact Ganngrule, Gangrule, Lucean, or Lustriall in game and we can get you in guild and in our next raid. Thank you for your interest.

Still looking for members and raiders that want to be a part of a team/family environment. We are progressing through EP as a team and honestly … sure it’s slow but it’s been nothing but fun and enjoyable. So if you’re not just in it for the prize but you want to look forward to raiding with your team then pls contact us and let’s get you in the guild and/or on the raid roster. Thanks.

Ya’ll still looking for RDPS? Frost mage ilvl 426 looking for a casual Guild that does Normal/Heroic Raids and M+ Dungeons and everything else in between. Very new to the game (2.5 months) but am willing to learn. Have run the raid a couple times 5/8 for both Normal and Heroic. Looking for a laid back casual guild that can help a newbie out with learning the game and mechanics.

Yes we are. I’m pretty sure you said you found a guild within a few hours of contacting us though. I wish you luck and hope it all works out for you. As far as everyone else… we are still recruiting.

We are moving into heroic EP! We are looking for a Healer and a few DPS specifically, but all are welcome. Please be reliable and non toxic. Thank you.

To the top! Looking for Healers and possibly some strong DPS. We are moving into heroic EP this week as a guild. Last week we got done with normal (remember we are a new team in an old guild that is being rebuilt) and killed the 1st boss on H with ease. We have a good team and we are looking for a few more. Thanks.

Yep Tenebrist, I got the request and was looking for you on Tuesday for raid but you were not online it seemed. I’ll keep looking.

We are unfortunately losing our co-tank due to work scheduling so we are heavily recruiting a Tank to continue our progression into H EP.

Current needs are 1 Tank / a few DPS (ranged preferred) and 1 healer.

We are 5/8 Heroic and want to continue pushing.

We’re a pretty chill guild. We have fun and down bosses. Definitely worth checking out.

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