You’re comparing a grind achievement with an achievement designed to only be achieved by the top few.
If you don’t have the skills to get this achievement then you shouldn’t get it. End of story. There are many people that already have it unlocked so it’s not like it’s impossible.
Maybe if you spent less time crying on the forums and more time putting work to better yourself and earn it, you’d have it by now. Come on, you can do it, you’re at 2k, only 400 away. Less tears and more sweat.
It’s not a personal thing. Seems to me that a good portion of this topic wants the change not for theirselves, but for others as well. I can say it for me, i don’t have this sort of thing of “oh, my god, i need to exhibit everything i have or i gona die”.
And I want to keep it not for myself but for the good of the game. We NEED very hard achievements to distinguish the casuals from the no-lifers from the ultra no-lifers. It’s 1 achievement and 1 title in a sea of hundreds, they can spare 1 per expansion for the top 0.1% to make them feel good about themselves.
And that’s why we have top seasons achievements like affix gladiator or Hall of Fame. There’s absolutely NO NEED to give one more who did pvp. Kill Azshara this days is so easy that you can just pug it. It’s not really a high end title, it’s just idiot.
I’m not going to keep arguing with you on differences of opinion, later.
I’m actually comparing an achievement that sucks to an achievement that sucks.
ACHIEVEMENT A sucks – changed.
ACHIEVEMENT B sucks – not yet changed, and it’s too late now prob.
But Blizzard needs to be made aware that making something like this is dumb.
Next expansion for all we know they’ll have one where you need 3000 rating in PvP and the PvE counterpart you can get by zoning into any dungeon, and Sifu will be here to tell us it’s fair and balanced PvE/PvP.
BTW, the top few is exactly my point on the Cosmic PvP Achievement.
The PvP achievement can be achieved by the top X players.
The PvE elements by the that X number of players above multiplied by 100.
Align PvE difficulty to PvP difficulty, either up or down I don’t care.
This is a PvP achievement only currently.
Obtaining a R4 in PvP should be as hard as obtaining a R4 in PvE. Is that something you disagree with? If you disagree, there’s nothing to say anymore.
If you agree, then do you agree that M+ 15 is the same difficulty as 2400? If you agree, there’s nothing to say anymore.
When this achievement was first implemented, getting the essence off mythic Azshara (Cutting Edge) in PvE was on par in terms of difficulty as getting a 2400 rating in PvP. Also, getting Keystone Master and Hertz Locker was also more difficult then. So anyone who completed this achievement prior to the release of 8.3 truly is Azeroth’s Champion.
The problem now is with the addition of corruption, the legendary cloak and higher item levels, the PvE aspects of this achievement have become more trivial. Whereas getting the elite ranking in PvP remains just as difficult as it was before because your opposition has scaled with you.
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Exactly, like everything on PVE and almost anything on PVP. So or truly Azeroth’s Champions are the ones who achieved this before 8.3 or just make it doable for anyone who achieve most part of essences.
And also +15 M was more of a problem S3 than it is now.
You are all correct that this could have been acceptable if you could only obtain it prior to 8.3.
I did the Mechagon R4 the other day…
It’s more challenging winning a skirmish arena than that.