Phenomenal Cosmic Power - 2400 rating is ridiculous

It’s not a matter of deserved or not. Things like title of kill 25 HC LK stills there, or kill any raid boss after their patches. Whats the point of not being able to pick up a Rank 4 neck thing or just make it viable for whose don’t like this much of pvp thing? 2400 rating already give you a title, Gladiator, and that would be already cool for you to exhibit if you are playing just to exhibit your exclusive things.

The whole point is, why we have 2 rank 4 relics that won’t do anything past expansion? Why don’t do it an x-2/x achievement so there we won’t have some useless rank 4? At least mantain the possibilty to pick up 2400 relic post expansion or something, it’s not like a Challenge mode where Blizzard told us beforehand that would desapear post expansion.

EDIT: BTW you all saying deserve word but you forgot there’s a Black AH that sells Swifit Zulian x (and it’s cool to use it), Plagued Proto Drake, Tier 3 and such other things that was gone in the game or are 1% drop now. The same Blizzard who put Pandaria Collector’s mount/pet/achieve into Blizz Store this year and i’m not there whining or complaining about anything that i bought back on time that anyone can buy now.

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it is though

wrong title, champ
its the elite

youre not even aware of what youre complaining about lol

I have no idea how any of this is relevant at all or what youre trying to say
I do know I lost a few braincells reading it, trying to wrap my head around it

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If it was the inverse and you had to get Top 100 Mythic kill and 2000 arena rating, I’m sure people would point out the inequality as well.


Oh, you don’t. 2400 + 50 wins give you Gladiator (without any affixes) for the season aswell with achievement. And if you didn’t understood, is just a proof that you are here just to whinnie and not to actually hear anyone.

PVP on wow is the only thing that have vanishing rewards aswell and we don’t need anymore of these.

being confident in being wrong, its a pattern

for the essence you can get the 2400 in any bracket, but only 3s can reward the gladiator title (which you will lose next season btw, so its not even the same as the mythic title)
you also lose the elite title as well next season

furthermore even if do 3s, you dont need to complete the wins for the essence (gladiator usually leaves players around 2500-2600)

your argument is that the rated essence should be removed because it already gives the gladiator title, which is wrong in twofold because a) its not the gladiator title and b) you lose the title anyway so this point is moot to begin with

For the season. You just don’t know how to read. And the achievement will continue forever. And yes, 3s, you are right, but i never stated anything about brackets.

By the way, transmog (2s, 3s, RBG) continues forever, mount (3s) continues forever, achievement continues forever, and a nice title to exhibit for the season. Stop trying to trolling or something, if you are mad about people being mad about something of the game, just complain with your own head and cry or whatever.

I complained about 2400 as well, but eventually got it. Just play the game and complete the achievement if you desire it so much. Don’t come to the forums complaining about it while you could be working towards it.


You have some arena experience since 2018 and now, pally is an OP class for arena, raid, and whatever. Didn’t we saw a pally guy who just took 2400 by having outrageous Infinity Stars proc? I barelly played arenas since it’s not my meta right now to obtain all achievements include gladiator, so i thought at future this essence would stills be avaible. Just jump from zero to 2400 is almost impossible, mainly because i live on Brazil and internet issues are a thing.

I mean, we just had 2 seasons to achieve 2400, not enought time to practice, it’s not that easy as play the game and complete something. In PVE a lag isn’t a big thing that would wipe a entirely raid, but on PVP a lag costs CC, interrupt…

Well, i love a nice conversation about game problems and other things, but that’s not an argument, just call you got a thing and because of it all others can achieve thing. Meh, it’s not like that, the problem is way above it.

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The problem is people with 0 arena experience hope to hop right onto the train and get 2400 no problem just because the achievement/title is going away. It just doesn’t work like that. Sure, my spec is broken or whatever. Same could be said for Destro.

If you think my argument isn’t an argument, that is totally wrong. Some people can instantly hop into arena and contradict what I said above about needing practice but in reality be really good at the game (not going to reference my friend’s name here, lets just say he’s multi-glad since starting in BFA Season 1). I consider myself pretty horrid at the game, and if I got it, anybody can. Especially a hunter, DK, or Priest (basing off the forum posters here).

You still have a month (or a couple) to keep trying. Queue with the same set of people and keep playing. Be prepared for something like this in Shadowlands. I also didn’t mean to come off as rude, I came off and assumed through my own mind that I’m not really good at the game, and if I got it, anybody can.

No, i mean, it’s literally not an argument, it’s a fallacy. The samething apply if a millionaire told you can get millionaire if he managed to do it.

And you just stated that you got a skilled multi glad player to do arenas with you. I mean, if i got a friend as skilled as that, i surelly would manage to do it with some headache, but i got none because i’m so much PVE than PVP.

The issue is not whether you specifically, or anyone else that thinks this is about any one individual, can get 2400.

The issue is that this Cosmic Power is heavily unbalanced in terms of what it takes to get the PvE elements such as M+ compared to 2400.

Yeah, everyone can get 2400. But everyone can get +20 easier in M+.
Why is it only +15?

Blizzard is retarded. That’s why.

Nobody cares you can get 2400. That’s not the point.


Blizzard is dumb with this but they also look at all the people that can also push 3.2k rating in Arenas and correlate that directly to M+ where people push way above the required 15s (correlation being 2400 here). I also hope in the future this to be lowered. But sadly I never see this being reduced in PvP due to Blizzard’s mindset when it comes to everything being gated as high as possible.

Some buddies of mine also didn’t want to grind PvP themselves and just wanted to get it over with as fast as possible. There is also the route in which I’ve been told others have gone down in which you can buy X rating from people with strictly gold.

Hyperbole much? It’s not even remotely the same, you can never get world first after someone else achieved it. You have months and months to get 2400 which there are over a 100 at any given time.

I see absolutely no problem with a cosmetic item being difficult to achieve, it doesn’t matter that the Mythic Azshara one is easier to get. Seeing someone with r4 Strife has much more meaning.

According to blizzard gearing system. Getting 2400 is about as hard as getting a m+ 15 done for the week. Obviously, you just need to learn to play. /s

Please notice I referenced Mythic Realm first only in the context of comparing it to RBG 2400 specifically, not Arena. Did you really read/understand what I wrote?

As I write this, there are 130 players at or above 2400 in RBG in all of NA.

There are about 120 realms in NA. 120 x 20 = 2400 players get Realm First on a Mythic kill.

There are way more players with Realm First Mythic kill than 2400 RBG.

If you wanted to start now it is too late to get Realm First, obviously.
I’m just saying in terms of difficulty… that’s the most comparable.

At the end of the day, way less players will ever have gotten 2400 in RBG S3/4 BfA than player will have gotten Mythic Raid Realm First kills.

I’m sick of the argument that “Lowering the PvP rating requirement removes the prestige from people who already obtained 2400 rating and the title.” This is the type of achievement that signifies a major EXPANSION focused meta achievement for those of us who played the entire expansion to its fullest. 2400+ rated PvPrs already get a very very notable and prestigious achievements from seasonal PvP for their skill. My fullest respect goes out to them for it. BUT, locking Azeroth’s Champion behind a 1% wall of PvP needs to be changed immediately!

This achievement is a privilege, not a right my dude. It shows that you are competent in all aspects of high end game play. If you can’t get 2400 (hey, I can’t get it either) then you don’t get the achievement.

But hey, you’re in luck! There are literally HUNDREDS of other achievements you can get! Hooray!

How about making the other requirements (PvE) more difficult?
This achievement is stupid because it is so unbalanced PvE/PvP.

Definitely something to think about for next time.

No one is saying the achievement is a right to have thing. High end gameplay would fall in line with a 2k rating in PvP. 2400 is a bit much when compared to the list of completion items to obtain the title.

BTW, do you remember when A GOOD START was 100K for the requirement? People also were quick to point out that it was retarded. Sure enough there was some Sifu in those threads to tell them all the achievement was a “privilege” and everyone could get it if they worked at it.

Good thing at least for that one they realized it made no sense and changed it.