Phasing Issue?

My partner and I started our journey into SL earlier and didn’t get very far before needing to stop to make dinner. We just logged back in ready to continue but neither of us can see the other. It tells me they are in another phase. We are grouped, on the same server and on the same exact part of the same exact quest. I tried party syncing just to see if that would fix it, no luck. Any ideas?

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Currently happening to me and my partner as well. We’ve tried relogging, retoggling warmode, everything we can think of but we can’t enter the same phase :frowning:

How far apart are you quest wise? I ran into it tonight too, but it was because my friends was slightly ahead of me with the quests.

We’re having the exact same problem in the Maw intro. On the exact same quests in the same area but can’t get into the same phase. Tried ungrouping/regrouping with no luck. We can each see other random people running around, but not each other.

Are one of you in Warmode while the other is not?

I’m having the same issue using LFG for a quest. Confirmed none of us are in War Mode. Could not get a group because every single one of us were phased separately, just had to give up and wait for someone to come along in my phase with the same quest.

I had a phasing issue earlier. My partner and I went to the main city and it solved itself.


Same issue. Groups are totally broken right now, people aren’t phasing in. This makes the elite quests impossible to do unless someone wanders along in your phase.

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I too have this issue.

Hello. You have to go back to a sanctuary to force an update to the same phase. If you don’t run the default unit frames, you probably can’t see this information on the phase icon, I had to disable elvui to be able to see where it says: "you can’t see this player because they are in a different phase. they can join your phase by visiting a sanctuary such as oribos"


I think this is a workaround, not a solution. Sharding in SL should work exactly how it does everywhere else - if I party up with my partner then we should be put together in the same shard. Getting kicked out of the game just to come back in then forced to go back to a sanctuary just to regroup is really rather ridiculous. This should be flagged as bug…if not this is abysmal programming.

The workaround works for now. This is a known bug, acknowledged by blue here: Party phasing problem - #13 by Itzali-11154

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