Phase 9 beyond predictions

100% additional game content at its best!!

They should hire you

Accompanied by a picture of an area from Scarlet Enclave. So we at least know Scarlet Enclave is likely to be coming after Naxx, and there’s supposedly been hinting at Karazhan as a dungeon or raid after/alongside that.

They’ve confirmed they’re going to continue on past Phase 7.

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To add to all of this

Level 60 Karazhan raid, Warlock questline to gain Medivh’s Spellbook to open the Dark Portal.

Class Legendary chains that involve Outland.

Ashbringer, Lights Wrath, Scythe of Elune to name a few.

Otherwise back of Strattholme, Gilneas, Uldum/Discs of Norgannon story. Horde Paladin/Ally Shaman.

The remains in Darkshore as well


We aren’t talking about gameplay.

I gave you the basis. If you can’t retain what you read, I invite you to re-read the post.
It doesn’t matter what blizzard names something. They can, have, and do, change names after something is put into the game consistently.

However, naming a reputation something isn’t the same thing as what we are talking about. The cenarian circle and cenarian enclave also primarily deal with the dream or are affiliated with the dream. Neither of them are actually in the dream or from the dream. This is also true of the Emerald Wardens.

ALL the quartermasters, for example, are REGULAR night elves.

Not whisps.
Not druids.
Not satyrs.
Not animals.
Not Ancients.
Not fayre dragons
Not dryads.
Not Keepers.

Theyre just regular night elves. You can just as easily say these are just Night Elf emissaries from the Cenarion Circle and we KNOW from the Dream Wardens reputation in Dragonflight that if the Emerald Wardens were actually from the dream, they would have been denizens from the dream or at the very least been druids.

It’s not. Maybe if I tell you a third time like you’ll read it this time: We have seen what the emerald dream looks like from:
The beta files for the vanilla version
The actual emerald dream zone and raid in dragonflight
The druid class hall in legion
The emerald nightmare raid conclusion in legion.

We know, unequivocably, what the dream is supposed to look like, INCLUDING what the other side of the dream portals are supposed to look like.

See-through vines and a green filter over the exact same area as outside the dream is not it

would be interesting if we went straight into wrath content as most of the classic runes are originally from that expansion or prior allowing for further skill development from post wrath expansions. and canonically an assault on tyrs hand would weaken the scarlet enclave in terms of the deathknight starting zone.

Like I said so by your logic The stormwind in classic is not stormwind. We know stormwind is supposed to have a dock. There is no dock. Cant be real stormwind. :clown_face:
Thats how laughable your argument is.

I mean you would be wrong and its not even relatable to what I said.

The emerald dream, canonically, is just not the same area you are in with a green filter. Straight up. The whole point is for it to be azeroth if it was untouched by mortals. Not "untouched by mortals except for the races that hold the most sway by wherever the portals is to the point that it looks exactly the same

Take that up with the writers and developers that, until Dragonflight, didn’t even have an ingame zone for the emerald dream despite it’s original intent to be level 60 content (at minimum, remember, vanilla was originally supposed to start with a cap of 70) with the 4 dream portals to be connected to each other like they were in Legion.

Blame them. Don’t grasp for straws here especially when I nuked your take on what the reputation vendor was.

I dont know what you been smoking but we already know WoW classic and by extension SoD is not Geographically lore accurate.
This is a quote from the blue post
“Upon interacting with the portal you will be transported into the dream to start your missions.”
Doesnt get any more clear than that.

We aren’t talking about location geographically. If you aren’t even going to have an actual conversation, there’s no point in talking to you. Lorewise, scenery wise, location wise, EVERYTHING about it from what we know the dream to look like ingame tells you it’s not the dream despite them wanting it to be the dream. Period. It’s a lazy stand-in for what it should actually be, period.

Reuse the dragonflight zone, I literally don’t care, but don’t insult most players" intelligence with defending with a green filter and a little bit of vines everywhere.

Like, this alone just isn’t true because we know the original intent for the dream even in vanilla

You can say what you want but the devs repurposed that zone and designated it as the dream. Im not defending laziness here.
It still stands that zone would have been sufficient to finish the eranikus quest line.

They didn’t repurpose anything. That’s the point I’m making.

You literally are.

No it wouldn’t have been, because Eranikus was in the dream, and then partly in the trinket. He wasn’t in Ashenvale, ever.

I wonder how most would react if we “discovered” that they made a way for at least one faction type on each side to talk to an NPC and do some type of questline to be able to switch their class to paladin/shaman, so both factions all of a sudden could have both lol. We already have the rune broker for all runes, and maybe if there’s a specific quest they had to do to learn something crucial (like rez I think), can just give them the ability when they convert lol (and add a paladin trainer to Org, shaman trainer in IF, as well as the starting area where they can convert to the new class). Obviously any paladin/shaman raid stuff that didn’t drop before for the opposite faction in raids would also need to be unlocked for all. Have the questline to convert to the class available at level 1 and can’t do it if you’re over level 5-10 or something, so we don’t have max levels right away, they’d still need to level up and learn how to play the class with the rune system in SoD.

I’d love this, but for the original intent for DKs.

“Sacrifice your warrior/paladin and be able to make a DK”


Devs say your wrong.

facepalm At least include the whole thought. He wasn’t, at any point in azeroth’s history, in ANY of the locations where the dream portals are.

You are intentionally not understanding me. There isn’t any point in talking to you since you’re clearly just here to troll. I’ll just end with this. Literally look up images of the emerald dream, hell, go ingame on retail even, and tell me if thats what the incursions are.

You have 2 locations ingame, two versions of the dream via the nightmare, and so many results of official concept art from blizzard that there are multiple whole sections of images. None of this is even counting the vanilla emerald dream map they could have easily finished.

Doesnt matter what you say or what I say. We go off what the devs say. If they call that the sod version of the dream then it is the sod version of the dream. End of that.

Im just wondering how/what the Eranikus chain will be and if it will involve Hyjal.

They have an opportunity, put some work in so that we get more than content in the phase after naxx
 Give us all the tbc goodies.

guild calendar and bank, training dummies, faster gryphons, more gryphon spots

belfs, space cows, deathknights


I imagine if they do beyond Naxx we will be in Naxx a long time. Which in all honesty is fine by me.

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there is a bunch of stuff unfinished
 I want a pirate raid, lol