Now that we know SM raid and Kara raid is coming. What about other raids?
Stormwind Vaults
Hyjal Raid
Timbermaw hold raid
Erannikus Story line?
Grim Batol
Now that we know SM raid and Kara raid is coming. What about other raids?
Stormwind Vaults
Hyjal Raid
Timbermaw hold raid
Erannikus Story line?
Grim Batol
Shadow Hold (Felwood)! Or the Shady Rest Inn-cident! Or Varian’s disappearance!
shadow hold was used for the rogue weapon questline
I would love to even be able to quest in hyjal bro. Making the zone playable is something i feel we have all been asking for since day 1.
Karazhan Crypts is a dungeon, not a raid.
Karazhan Crypts Dungeon Overview - Season of Discovery - Wowhead
Without even using that, the map ID’s that were datamined showed Enclave as a raid and Crypts as a dungeon.
AS for everything else you mentioned:
Vaults could be a raid or a dungeon, knowing blizzard it will just be a dungeon.
Hyjal was supposed to be an outdoor raid with the furbolg area being the second entrance. The furbolg raid is the closed furbolg gate in azshara.
Erranikus requires the emerald dream, which I highly doubt they will finish even though they should.
They should put Uldum in, too.
port over tbcc kharazhan to go along with the crypts. and then port over some caverns of time stuff
They dropped the ball big time in the ST raid not finishing the final bosses story.
SM and Kara are 20 man raids? they said this was the last phase so did they change their mind?
Timbermaw would be my vote. Been itching to take them on. They got off light in Vanilla. Payback for getting jumped on my way to Winterspring
They didn’t finish it because they didn’t add the Emerald Dream. The emerald dream was supposed to be an endgame zone that they decided not to add until 19 years later with 10.3. Even then it wasn’t the scope that it originally was supposed to be.
If this is true where did the incursions take place?
here is a list from “fan made” wow content.
Emerald Sanctum
Lower Karazhan Halls
Caverns of Time: Black Morass
Karazhan Crypt
Stormwind Vault
Hateforge Quarry
Gilneas City
The Crescent Grove
World Boss Concavius
World Boss Ostarius of Uldum
World Boss Nerubian Overseer
World Boss Dark Reaver of Karazhan
Cross-faction play (Nordanaar Only)
Its literally true.
Incursions take place literally everywhere else blizzard has balf baked content in the dream.
In a phased version of the same area you were just in with a green filter and some transparent vines. We KNOW what the emerald dream is supposed to look like from the actual vanilla ED map, the end of the emerald nightmare raid, and the emerald dream zone in dragonflight. Incursions, just like the emerald acorn quest in wrath, is NOT it.
Like are you dumb or something?
Incursion means invasion, you know in lore those ARE the portals to the emerald dream. Hence nightmare dragons invasions.
I guess by your logic classic stormwind isnt really stormwind, because we know how stormwind is supposed to look in later games.
You see how dumb you sound?
Are you just ignorant of what the Vanilla Emerald Dream was? Just curious if its worth explaining it to you or if youre just looking to fight with someone like a troll.
They could easily wait a phase to drop content and do shaman/Paladin to opposing factions. Introduce DK abilities to paladins.
Make arenas that are simply just for fun so no extra balancing needed.
Pirate phase:
Open those big gates in STV that lead to Deadmines. Use the large creatures on the map artwork for inspiration and make a raid that you get to by going on the boats.
You are just shilling for the devs. We are in this version of the games emerald dream. The incursions was a perfect place to set up an Eranikus finale. Any excuses you spouting is nonsense.
Whish listing a pirate raid in stv or tanaris.
No. I’m not, being that would be doing what you’re doing, defending the pile of crap that Incursions was. The only similarity between the incursions and the emerald dream was you had to fake walk through the dream portals to “enter it” when all it did was put a filter on your screen, turn you around, and put transparent vines everywhere in ashenvale But only in the areas near the portal, go too far and you just plop back into regular ashenvale. No environment change. No music change. Barely any npc changes, nothing.
Nothing else about it beyond the green filter and see through vines (the exact same complaint that the wrath quest had when it was just see through acorns and a green filter) was indicative of the emerald dream. Not even the npcs belonged to the dream other than the green dragons and, you could argue I suppose because of Xavius, the Satyrs. Hell you fought goblin shredders and orcs in the incursion. Like come on dude.
Not once did i say incursions was good or fun. Your the one defending the devs lazyness not completing a unfinished quest 20 years later.
And under what basis? “Thats not the real emerald dream” its litterally called the emerald nightmare in sod. The reputation is with the EMERALD wardens. I really dont know how someone could be such a shill for the devs.