Phase 7 - Sanctified Borrowed Power System

  1. But be real. No one does H1 MC, no one does Trial-less BWL, no one does what ever passes for ‘normal mode’ AQ. Because the loot quantity is better on the hardmodes.

And do you really think a guild is going to be happy that they have to ‘do easymode’ because a couple of players can’t make it and they have no one ‘geared enough’ to take their spot?

That’s no fun.

  1. “The Seal of the Dawn can be improved by collecting “Remnants of Valor” from Scourge Invasions or while inside Naxxramas.” - WoWhead: classic/news/empowered-naxxramas-quarters-new-trinkets-and-sanctified-gear-season-of-364065

  2. It gives us “bullet sponge” bosses. Thaddius is a fun fight; big numbers! Making every fight a Thaddius fight is boring.

Horrible idea, we already learned that borrowed power is a bad idea. These devs are out of touch.

Somehow you guys manage to kill my hype every phase, between goofy hardmodes, horrible out of touch set bonuses or runes and now stupid retail esque borrowed power.

Keep it simple, just release naxx with updated itemization and a single hardmode and put resources into making new content. No one asked for this garbage.


Tons of ppl do H1 MC, Probably the majority by a vast margin these days, and 3 trials bwl does not equal to adding the color black which makes it mythic or HM. In fact i think most pugs or dad guilds dread the black week. While parsing guilds always did black for the competition aspect. The loot quality is the same minus mounts and a purple glow you can get in AQ.

I don’t get this idea that people only want to do HM but then whine about how hard it is. MAKES NO SENSE… this community contradicts itself so much its insane. “We play classic for the journey and the companions we make”. Then enjoy the journey while clearing the content you want. Joke around in raids, who cares if someone wipes the raid its all for fun.

I agree this idea of doing 400% more dmg out of nowhere is seems really strange, i don’t understand it, maybe its some kinda of marketing ploy to gain attention, whatever, hope it works if that’s the case. I personally don’t think its needed but maybe I’ll understand after experiencing the full vision. Maybe not tho

What i can say is that I did PTR naxx tonight 3 wings HM and it was a blast w/ challenges. First wing we did was on reg and I would honestly quit if that’s how the game played. Looking forward to experience the progression system, while keeping an open mind. TY devs for adding some different variety for each phases raid, also adding set bonuses that change play styles for each class. You guys don’t get enough recognition for the ideas that are thrown out there, but there’s a pretty large number of players that would never be vocal in this setting that sees it and is more than happy to try them out.

One of the hard modes in Naxx is going to be entirely automated by an addon or weakaura. The emote idea will never be engaged with, thus making it totally irrelevant. Once we get a full list of what the yells are, a weakaura will be made that sends the emote based on that yell. It’s simply a waste of effort to have put this mechanic in.

I agree, the real devil here is the borrowed power concept. However, the hard modes aren’t completely thought out, either, even if it’s a novel idea.

Don’t miss a raid week. It’s that easy. I haven’t missed a raid night since phase 2 when I joined. Also in a guild the tanks should be the first to get geared relatively ofc. In terms of trinket swaps it looks like tanks do much damage compared to DPS. I’m just going to be running either deflector or petrified scarab as my other trinket. Otherwise I’ll probably just use tear. Our warrior tank is just going to rock loadstone

Ya, after the Reals were added.

But if you want gear. The vast majority will not run ‘easy mode’ versions of the Raids. Because it’s “sub optimal” for acquiring loot.

Like I said, probably making all of hardmode a Thaddius fight. Where the bosses (and maybe even trash) will have crazy-high HP pools and that ‘extra damage’ will be completely negated in terms of kill times. - But, hey, “zomg I crit for 70k!!!”.

Personally, I think they should make hardmodes only reward the ‘specialty items’ (mounts, visuals). But both the normal and hardmode should reward the same amount of loot. Let people run HMs if they like it, but don’t make them feel like they have to.

PS: AQ’s PTR was also fun from what I heard; easy. But then released heavily overtuned. I suspect Naxx will as well.

Its bad anyway tbh. Bad idea as well as bad implementation. Mechanics that don’t do anything except create more addon bloat shouldn’t even be in the game imo

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Please fire the person responsible for this.

For sure, I completely agree. I’m just saying it’s a non-mechanic as far as raider interaction is concerned.

This was a very poorly thought out system. Flex tanking is just one of the problems introduced by sanctified gear that can buff specific stats by 300%.

  1. Flexing heals/dps/tanks is one of the HUGE problems.
  2. Missing any weeks is going to be extremely punishing by not getting a sanctified piece.
  3. Most guilds/pugs run on 2SR systems, this is going to lead to some toxic game play when some people get lucky and others don’t.
  4. It becomes the most boring form of gearing possible. It’s been nice mixing new and old sets, raiding old content for that piece that is still good. This phase essentially becomes “collect the blue text gear”. It really feels like multiple steps backwards.
  5. For the guilds that have some fun competition in dps/heals within raid logs. Kiss that goodbye when all that matters is how far your “Blue Text” gear bar is filled. This is also an absolute nightmare for warcraft logs. They’re going to need 12 different categories, one for the amount of sanctified gear you have.

Thats the most privileged, brain dead response ive heard on these forums lol people have lifes outside of WoW, and the game shoildnt cater to the lifeless.

Season 1 of retail is currently showing what 1% catering does: it tanks the playerbase.

Man if u can’t make a 1 hour a night raid every week idk what to tell ya. If that is simply to much time then u probably shouldn’t be concerned with raid progression in SoD


“Raid progression in SoD” brother LOL. People have lifes and should be able to miss an occasional raid night. Not missing a raid night since P2 is not the flex you think it is

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They said there was catch up mechanics if u happen to miss a raid night. However if u are simply unable to set aside an hour a week to raid then u shouldn’t be concerned with anything in wow.

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An hour a week is pretty optimistic. Getting on early and getting your consumes ready, even if you clear in an hour (which i see your latest was 1h 17m) you’re on for at least 2-3hours for AQ40. Thats not the issue though, sometimes life happens and you cant raid on your normal raid night and its big basement dweller energy to assume that everyone can always make every raid.

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Even if u miss a raid u have catch up mechanics that u can farm in the open world that was already explained. If u are unable to consistently make raids every week then simply do the catch up mechanics. If u are unable to do both because u don’t have time for an MMO. Then don’t play the MMO. 3-4 hours a week is not a lot of time. If playing a game for 3-4 hours a week is “big basement dweller energy” then like idk what to tell ya. 3-4 hours a week to either raid or do the open world farm seems like you shouldn’t be playing a MMO if u have that little free time


Saying that its simple make raid all the time and never miss it is big basement dweller energy. You’re right there will be catch-up mechanics, but your earlier comments are out of touch.

Idk man I feel setting aside a single night a week isn’t really all the out of touch for an MMO. I actually feel that sod has very little time investment compared to other mmos. If u can’t consistently make 1 night a week or do catch up mechanics if u miss that one night due to an emergency then u might have irl things to worry about rather than a video game. Realistically why should someone who isnt able to consistently make raids or do the open world progression mechanics be on the same in game level as someone who is doing both those things.

east coast is one of the biggest clowns playing this game, he thinks that clearing aq40 pre nerf is some sort of actual achievement (it’s not the fights were not hard compared to actual hard content and they would be aware of this if they were not simply just a mid level player with an inflated ego from doing an easy thing they perceive to be hard even though the only reason most players didnt clear it is because they didnt try or encountered bugs)

I don’t think I’ve ever talked about clearing pre nerf AQ hm. I just think that those who put more time into the game should benefit more than the guy who can’t. I fully support mechanics in the game that allow for more consistent and dedicated players to achieve better gear/stats than those who aren’t able to play the games more than 1 night a week