Phase 3 is a total failure

Making one Quest Hub Vastly Superior to the rest of the world just does not feel right or good at all. This game should be fun, not forced play to a specific leveling route. Retail did this with having to do the Story to unlock things. Please do not do this to Season of Discovery. Its just ruining the game.


What route are you being forced to take?


Well it’s a failure to you and a few others.

Faster leveling = better leveling when not fun leveling



What a take.


I’m pretending Incursions don’t exist. Almost level 43. It’s only been 2 days, I’m actually going at a bit faster than I was before, having the mount helps.

This is like an arcade game now. It doesn’t matter what your gear looks like for the most part, you’re gonna be stomped into the ground by something at some point no matter how BIS you are.


if you are on a pvp realm and alliance camps you, because its obvious theres little to do even in phase 3 its clearly not that great.


To YOU it isn’t that great. I doubt everyone agrees with you.

I also am alliance, so I’ll be camping the horde.

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I mean, Vanilla did this if you want to nitpick also. You had attunements which “forced you” to do certain questlines to have access to some parts of the game.

It’s a reputation that you may or may not need for end game content. It’s also a game.

I mean, I sure don’t. I am having about as much fun as I have ever had playing any version of WoW. It’s great, imo.


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OP is spot on, well said.

But I see from other comments that there are those who enjoy this kind of play. Now if only they would stay in the ruins of retail where this sort of design (Blunderstorm) is on full display.

Like it or not (I’m firmly in the not camp), this is the direction WoW is taking; FOMOcraft.


They are changing it on monday, have a little patience drama mcqueen


Your life isn’t over!

I haven’t been able to quest. I just get ganked by level 50s where ever I go. I even tried going to Angor Fortress in Badlands but I got killed by a level 50 rogue so I just left.

I unironically have to find a cave to kill mobs in to level.

Congrats it’s already getting nerf cope more cuz you didn’t want to try something new

It is forced game play. The other options are so bad it’s shooting yourself in the foot.


I’m having a ton of fun and glad all my dudes are level 50 before I’ve even done the raid.

Love it.

Lol did you just try to call plunderstorm retail?

Bwahahaha, oh man. That might have been the easiest way to say you have nothing to say.

Perhaps you will make better choices in the future.

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On a PvE server?

That’s odd.

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Getting ganked on a pvp server is what you signed up for. It’s why I don’t like them.

We didn’t sign up to be ganked by 50s while level 42 on day 1, but yeah, sure.