Phase 3 is a total failure

i think it is a “you problem”, there is no only one lvling route, u can quest, dungeon spam or u can solo dungeons as a hunter/mage if u want, incursions, so take your time to lvl up the way YOU want not the best and fastest one because it is meta, the slowest method to lvl up will take you like 2 days, so it is still fast to be honest, my friend lvled up his main toon via questing, he was 50 at launch day

You did, you play on a pvp server. Getting ganked is pvp.

If you’re on a PvP server than yes you did

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Literally the same complaint as phase 2, just replace “dungeon spam” with “incursions”…

Level 50 isn’t going anywhere, why are you doing something if you don’t enjoy it just because the alternative option is slightly slower?

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Yes, people play on PvP servers to get ganked lol. Big brain.

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I said ganked by 50s while you’re 42. I like how people blatantly take what you say out of context, he even quoted it, “hey bro, I noticed you said a sentence, I’m going to quote only a section of it, removing all context from it, therefore invalidating my own statement”.
Ya’ll need to go back to school.

Doesn’t matter what level they are getting ganked is getting ganked

Well in this case it does since they are level 50 on day 1. Normally I would agree.

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The incursions are a great idea, and I like the way they play. It’s just very poorly implemented and very buggy. There’s also no walking back from the ramifications of the poor implementation as plenty of people are way further ahead than others will be if these issues are fixed.

Very demoralizing.

It’s time to start doing PTRs. There’s no way around it.

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I dont mind getting ganked into oblivion but at least have 2 quests hubs.

SOD is a PTR for when they actually release classic+ kek

Yes you did when you signed up for pvp server. You signed up for all forms of pvp.

something needs to be studied about the WoW playerbase, where the most efficient routes are now “forced”. You mean the preferred levelling route, because it’s efficient. You are free to level without doing incursions, I saw PShero just doing a regular world questing grind and he’s still 50 already doing ST right now.

The only one forcing you to do anything is yourself.

How is that different from any other version of WOW in its history? There have always been sweats who level in a day then come back to haunt low levels in questing areas.

Where did all these fantasies about what PVP servers are all about come from?

Well the issue is the only place that’s efficient to level and rep has one quest turn in and they can just sit there all day. On an era PVP server, if a roaming band of griefers ran around you could just go to another zone and level just as efficiently.

So there’s a problem.


Then go to another zone? With everyone in Incursions the leveling zones are empty making them very efficient and you won’t be killed over and over.

Doing anything else other than the incursions is very inefficient. You’re killing two birds with one stone by repping while you’re leveling, for instance. This may not matter to you, but to most players it does. People want to be playing efficiently. And the only way to do that right now is through incursions.

One way they could have fixed this through proper testing would be to not have reputation start until after level 50.

How is it more efficient if you’re dying all the time and can’t do the quests? It’s one of the reasons players on PVP servers have been Dungeon leveling since Vanilla.

You’re going to get most of your rep from the Daily at level 50 anyway.

Well, therein lies the problem. Faction balance keeping one faction way behind.

Saying thngs like this is in such bad faith.

If you don’t want to be 1000 steps behind the entire server, you are forced. Even with the 50% xp boost, it still takes HOURS to level normally questing, and many group quests aren’t even doable now due to the fact that the world is now dead. I’ve seen literally like 4 friendly players people in the entirety of STV while doing almost all of the quests in the zone, and it took me no-lifing the entirety of Saturday to get from 40-45.

There are people who have been max level for DAYS now. Not to mention I’m missing out on better gear/rep rewards, gold, and my rune.

To act like you’re not severely shooting yourself in the foot is ridiculous. I probably won’t be level 50 for another week or two due to real life responsibilities and at that point all of the people who have been level 50 for 3 weeks will already be full BiS and ready to farm me the entirety of my journey.

I play Classic content because I love how alive the world feels, especially on PvP servers. I love questing and leveling new characters, it’s timeless to me. Now the world is dead and if I want to see other players and be mildly competitive, I have to do this content.