Phase 2 is way too early

And you don’t need to play 5 hours a day to be 60 by now. If you haven’t hit 60 by now it’s not because you haven’t had more than enough time, it’s that you just don’t care about hitting 60. So not only are you a minority at this point but the phases are primarily for end game content which you don’t care about anyways.


Aaaah! I just found out, figured I’d have a few more weeks to hit 60 and be rdy for honor farming. And I just started playing borderlands 3 two days ago… And Death Stranding comes out in 5 days! Noooooo lol :cry:

oh another no lifers vs casuals thread

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Yeah I agree they should delay phase two to late january 2020 at least.

Why would this matter for a game that’s sole purpose is to be a nostalgia piece?

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I don’t get much time to play, work 65 hours a week and have a toddler. Luckily, Classic isn’t going anywhere, so if it’s half a year before I reach 60 the game will still be here. I don’t expect everyone else to be slowed down because I don’t have much time to play.

I’ve been 60 for a while now, but I agree with the OP. Stop rushing content. I want to enjoy this ride for as long as it lasts. When my guild of 300 gets finished with phase 6, we are all leaving. So, that means no more money for you Blizzard. None of us want to play retail, so you better make it last!

Well, yikes! I’m sure glad we’ve got you here to keep us financially savvy…

You don’t have this information.


None of the phasing are removing any content, it’ll be there whether you are 60 now and ready for it or whether you hit 60 a year from now.


We’ll see I guess. If I can’t get my rogue to 60 beforehand and it ends up a huge mess I’ll probably end up quitting

Someone did the math earlier, if someone hit 60 today that’s about 3.5 hours a day since launch. Even that amount of time is more than casual for most people. Not all of us are “good” players that can dedicate 5-10 hours a day like some people in this thread.

yes, you obviously need to be 60 to world PVP. that’s why all the rewards require level 60 and there’s no lower level PVP gear.


…What are you on?

That number is way too high. You should have been able to hit 60 if hitting 60 was your goal by the time DM was released playing 2-3 hours a day. And while that might not be super casual it’s not super hardcore either and hardly the 5-10 hours some people are throwing around.

“Blizzard is ensuring the majority of players will not be able to participate.”

Most people who actually play the game are 55-60 by now already. The game will have been out for nearly 3 months, it doesn’t take that long to 60s even with casual play.

If you’re still under lvl 50 at this point, you simply put are not the target demo. You don’t really play more than 1 hour a week , and you cant expect to actually accomplish anything by playing 1 hour a week.

2.5 hours a day would come out to about 6.5 days played to hit 60, basically today. I’m pretty sure it’s well known that it takes slightly longer /played for most people/classes to hit 60. So no, people were not hitting 60 when DM came out on a 2-3 hour a day playtime unless they were utilizing their time extremely well on an aoe class or dungeon farm team. Or you know, playing way more per day than that of course.

Why do people roll on PVP servers and then constantly whine about everything?

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I’ve been taking my time with the game… not rushing to get to 60. By now I’m like ‘let me be 60 already’ though (nearly 59 atm). I will admit I have played a lot, mainly because my schedule allows and I haven’t been doing other stuff instead (like watch TV series). Its hard to imagine how so many others already 60 and I do feel a bit ‘behind’ at this point as it seems to be really common. Once you get upper lvl 50, the lines blur with 60s and endgame, but prior to that there is a bit of a different ‘leveling world.’

For raiding, I’m not too interested in MC… its kinda bland and rewards aren’t anything great honestly. Ony is a good fight, but it doesn’t take long. Phase 2 raids are so much better and to have it available makes sense. I don’t think anyone is missing anything not stepping to raids in phase 1.

For PvP, the game feels incomplete atm. This could have been there at launch, however I guess it makes it easier so people can focus on leveling. There’s really no reason why this can’t be released now. People will actually PvP for rewards… why not.

Why should Blizzard wait to release content when 'casuals are ready for it? ’ If someone spends a lot of time to be number one, they deserve the glory and attention. The whole point of casual play is you are behind. The extra grit and crudeness make classic wow better than retail. The casual welfare crap is what slowly killed retail wow.


Regardless there are a lot of people at 60 now, there were a lot at 60 when DM came out and there’s going to be even more at 60 when the rest of phase 2 comes out. So to the topic of this thread, the game over all seems more than ready for phase 2.

And actually since they already released the major pve content portion of phase 2 we’re ready for phase 3.

I won’t argue with that. While i’ll only be low 50s by time phase 2 pvp starts I am looking forward to it. Hell, one of the main reasons i’m not 60 (besides the obvious of being more casual) is the fact i’ve spent nearly half my playtime pvping in Ashenvale/STV/Tanaris. I just think it’s funny that people who are 60 already try to make it seem like they did it with skill instead of time played. Sorry to break it to some of you guys but being a higher level than someone doesn’t make you better at the game, just like the money in my bank account doesn’t make me better at life than you.

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