Phase 2 is way too early

No disadvantage if you don’t count the disadvantage…

It’s going to be worse because there will be more level 60s camping zones to farm as many HKs as possible because there’s an actual incentive.

There is no incentive to kill something who is vastly lower level than you. If you’re on a PvP server currently, you’re already being ganked while leveling. That doesn’t really change as the incentive to go kill a bunch of level 30’s isn’t there.

Given the nature of players in Classic, there will be very specific zones everyone congregrates in. An example will be Blackrock Mountain.

Blizzard should also take steps to improve faction balance before they release phase 2.

Incentivized wPvP is going to drive players away if they’re playing on imbalanced realms, exacerbating the faction balance even more.

What is your point? I mentioned that if you are leveling, you are already being camped. You’re already at rock bottom. Populated servers make Blackrock Mountain a death trap, and that won’t change.

I do not understand your point here. You’re just pointing out what I have already stated.

Meh. Just do dungeons or find a quiet place to grind (avoiding quests and obvious hotspots) and you’ll level just fine with the occasional gank.

Also, just because we’re not 60 doesn’t mean us lowbies can’t gank, either. If I see a level 30-something they are kill on sight for me too. Or if I’m bored I can straight up go to Redridge/Darkshore etc.

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So an area that is already being camped will still be camped… I don’t see the problem.

This is a non issue for players on normal realms. We’ll take our WPvP as it comes and leave the grinding for bgs.

For those freaking out about Phase 2, you can reroll if you think playing is going to be that dicey.

PvP servers. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

laying ends with phase 2,

It is though. Math is hard?

I’ll let you know how it goes on my hunter. Those averages are high AF. I struggle to accept that everyone at 60 (the majority of people I even see on my High/Full Server) are just no life hardcores.

They may not be, but they spent roughly 3-4 hours per day playing. That’s how the numbers work out.

Well, it’s been 74 days since WoW Classic was released.

Take their time /played (in hours) and divide by 74.

You’ll get an idea of the average time they’ve been spending in game.

Gonna have to agree with this post though open PVP or not, it’s not gonna do much good to me…

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Source for this info?

Also yeah I’m sitting at level 30 on my main, and I play every day. Over 35 hours on that character. I play alts. I imagine most players are this way too, and not as many people rushed to 60 as is presumed by others.

You came here to whine about a post, so.

Wrong. Phase 2 needs to be held off for now. Unfair to the casual majority.

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Hey Mogar, there’s a poll you should check out right here:

11,000 responses, good sample size. 65% of the playerbase has a level 60 character.


8-10 days for 60? lol no. 6-7.

*Ultra Casual minority

Fixed that for you.

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I work 18 hour days, have 9 kids, 3 wives…i don’t even have arms and i hit level 60 weeks ago

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And I do it uphill through the snow both ways.