Phase 2 is not normal PvP

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about the phase 2 environment, and a lot of dismissive attitude toward players that are not enjoying phase 2’s environment. I wanted to take the time to address some of those things.

1st: You chose a PvP server / Why are you mad that PvP is happening on a PvP server?

PvP was happening on the servers prior to phase 2 without complaint. Phase 2 brought about an extreme increase in the frequency of PvP, which some people quite enjoy, and others find quite frustrating.

Due to how the system runs, the mass ganking by roaming raids doesn’t stop, and there isn’t anywhere to hide from them, as they exist in every zone that players 50+ exist in. If you want to focus on leveling, professions, etc., you need to hope that you can do it in instanced content, and will probably die a half dozen times on your way to it.

It overly highlights faction imbalances, which is something that players also had no control of, and Blizzard actively hid from us by breaking census mods that gave us an idea of how bad things were. My server appeared close to 50:50 when those were working, but now that layering is gone and PvP is turned on, it is clear that alliance are hopelessly outnumbered. Players couldn’t predict this during their leveling process on many servers because of Blizzard’s actions against WoW Census and layering making the problem less visible.

The spy classic addon, as a smaller issue, has made it even harder to stay hidden. I frequently have priests in a raid using it to mind vision me to find my exact location when they did not even have a line of sight on me. I get that players could read the combat log to do this with the /target command, which is why I don’t find this to be a major problem, but it does make the process much easier for them, and increases how often the roaming raid finds you.

There are also many reasons that players end up on PvP realms, such as wanting to play with their friends. These players generally had no idea of how extreme phase 2 would be, and many did not sign up for that when they chose it.

2nd: Just reroll if you don’t like it

Players shouldn’t feel pressured to reroll and erase days of played time because Blizzard decided to release a temporary and extreme world pvp environment. Without pvp->pve transfers available, people are far more likely to unsubscribe than to start over from scratch. The longer this phase lasts, the more damaging it will be to WoW’s subscriber numbers and on faction balance on PvP servers. Players are not going to stick around as perpetual punching bags.

Unsubscribing is really the best option that many players have.

3rd: This is what PvP was like in vanilla

It was, but only for a very short time between the honor system release and battlegrounds (i.e. current phase 2).

After battlegrounds came out, roaming raids were no longer the most efficient means of gaining honor. They still existed from time to time, but they were NOWHERE near as prevalent as they are now. PvP servers were not a death trap to the underdog faction wherever they decided to step foot.

Phase 2 is not normal PvP. It is the only tiny segment of WoW’s history that world PvP was big. Battlegrounds killed it, and Blizzatd’s later attempts to bring it back in specific zones (Silithus) mostly failed to do so.

Most players never experienced this phase of WoW (even those that played most of vanilla). It is unsurprising that many dislike it, and want the phase to pass quickly.

At the end of the day, phase 2 is not normal PvP server behavior, but a temporary and tiny segment of WoW’s history. It is not wrong for players to dislike it, or for them to be demanding that it is short lived or to transfer away from it. This wasn’t even a large portion of vanilla’s life span, so even veteran vanilla pvp server players like myself are turned off by it.

I personally can not wait for battlegrounds to siphon most of these players out of the world gank raids.

Small scale PvP out in the world is sll in good fun.

Being hunted down by a raid and camped for having the audacity to try to do anything not instanced on a server you are outnumbered on? Not fun at all.

Thanks for reading


Just trying to get to BRM to do a 5 man is tedious, theres always like at least 1 raid there. It was also never this bad, the player counts are far higher than in vanilla so there is just no avoiding it.


You should of rolled PvE, this is what PvP is without BGs , you rolled on a PvP server this is what you signed up for.


Phase 2 highlights the difference between PvP realms and Normal realms.


Incoming torrent of abuse from people this situation doesn’t affect or hurt.

“PvP hApPeNd On A pVp SeRvEr”
“ReRoLl NoOb”
“HoW dId YoU nOt ExPeCt ThIs???”

Personally can’t wait for transfers OP, would gladly pay to leave my server for a pve server. Sub runs out in December in the event blizzard takes a nap on this


It’s almost as if there’s this pent up energy for this kind f thing. Pent up over years and years of waiting for this game to be re-released. Combined with ages of folklore, forum stories, chat room discussions, etc.

Rather than organically happening with a mostly ignorant game population slowly figuring it out over time through weak communication methods, today we have 100% foreknowledge with well established communities.

Golly, it’s almost as if the players are not just planning this, they’ve been waiting for it not since launch, but even years before that.

I’m not reading that.

All PvP is normal PvP.


It does, by cranking the dial to its most extreme.

Phase 3 and onward will be the actual difference between the two real types, with much, much less of this mass world PvP going on.

Most of WoW’s (even vanilla’s) lifespan was not built to really push this style of PvP.

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All that for a drop of logic.

Nope. There is one ONE difference between PvP realms and Normal realms. That just happens to be the one thing that is highlighted for Phase 2 (Phase 1 also but without honor rewards)

Phase 3 hits and that ONE thing is no longer highlighted. wPvP is still the ONLY difference.

The reason your thesis falls apart is that PvP can and does happen on any sort of server. On the Normal servers, people can voluntarily flag for PvP. We can even turn on the flag for an involuntary period of time by killing an NPC. The only difference on a PvP server is that you can never turn off PvP status in contested areas.

So why in the World would anybody ever roll on a PvP server unless they wanted permanent PvP status in contested regions? If you want to play pick-up PvP casually, play on a Normal server and toggle your status as you wish. If you play on a PvP server, deal with the reality that you chose. Shut up about it and play. You made your choice.


Yep, suffer because Blizz wanted to recapture a tiny portion of unfinished WoW that makes PvP realms worse than they were at any other part of Vanilla’s lifespan.

Solid logic there.

Im just waiting for phase 3 normalcy to return.


OP - thank you so much for breaking this down the way you did. I appreciate this post.

I had the analogy in my mind yesterday of a sauna. Bunch of people in it enjoying the temp. Something changes and it goes up by 50 degrees and can’t go back down. A portion of the people get up and say, “This is uncomfortable - I’d like to leave and go to another sauna.” But the door is locked. And the rest of the people inside say, “You’re in a sauna, what did you expect? You should have anticipated it would be this hot and uncomfortable. I’m enjoying this so much more knowing how much you aren’t. If you were someone else, you wouldn’t be in this sauna and it wouldn’t be a problem. Be someone else. Or die.”

Blizzard - kindly unlock the door.


Title is correct, Phase 2 is PvP server PvP. not Normal server.
Normal servers have no issues with PvP happening as it only happens when people choose to have it happen. As PvP servers have that choice taken away and people actually have a reason to want to kill you (honor) now PvP is happening a lot more (which should have been expected)

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Level 53 horde player: L2P issue I think lol get good bro haha I’m horde and I’m so good at PvP just transfer now. Haha I didn’t choose the easy faction haha get good

Yeah, and we all have the knowledge that this problem is going to mostly go away and return to normalcy once battlegrounds launch.

And then it will never be like this again.

The game wasn’t built to support this kind of PvP as the main form of it. We know this.

I get that some people enjoy this form of PvP, and they deserve to enjoy it for a bit, but it actively harms everyone else’s experience, and is certainly not normal PvP server behavior.


I just started a month ago (never played Retail) and am enjoying P2. It’s frustrating at times, but that tension and adrenaline is what makes it so fun. Did people cry this much back in the day? I’m genuinely curious lol.

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Phase 2 didn’t bring out World PVP. It brought out griefing. It encourages people to embrace their inner sociopath and be as toxic as they can possibly be. It’s bad for the game. 90% of people defending the current state of affairs are Horde, because they hold a huge majority and don’t have to worry about a challenge or adversity. They’re cowards, and they’re terrified of losing the advantage because they’re nothing without it.


Im sure they did. Even back then this phase of WoW only lasted 2 months as they scrambled to get battlegrounds in.

I’m glad you are enjoying it. The experience has not been positive on my server for the alliance. Im hoping the phase is much shorter than 2 months this time.

normal pvp, lol, pvp was never normal in the old days of this game, why should it be any different this time around for you pvp players

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