What’s it been like today? Is it still a mess?
Anyone with an ounce of sense is avoiding Hillsbrad because of the DHK potential.
Longer than one day.
We totally needed another one of these posts. I had no problem questing in Hillsbrad this morning because all the 60s were fighting each other. Literally had about 10 Alliance 60s ride right past me. No point in killing lowbies if you get no honor.
People keep repeating how flying killed world PvP…at this point, it’s just mindless parroting. Some of the best world PvP I experienced was leveling in Outlands. If anything, BGs killed max level world PvP because the honor was better, which is what most people PvP for.
People do it for the lolz. This your first time on Earth?
People DID it for the lulz…now it’s honor farming. Duh. This your first time trying to think critically?
Bro, I’m legit seeing alts are getting ganked left right and center. It’s honestly denial to think that its just 60vs60 pvp right now.
Cry babies like the OP are literally what kills this game. Classic and retail.
“Bro” maybe not every server is like yours? Again, I quested all morning in Hillsbrad and 60s weren’t killing alts. Unless you’re considering 50+ players “alts”, as they are still worth honor to 60s. Which just proves my point.
I’m glad you agree that not every server is the same, and has its own unique set of challenges. Now you understand why people vent their concerns on the forums.
You are missing the point of what makes Wpvp great. If you are out numbered you find SOLUTIONS instead of crying about it. You call in reinforcements, build alliances, form friendships and bonds over a common goal, you defend your faction, devise incredible tactics…etc
You wanting the game to hold your hand to find solutions to your problem and guide you the entire way is why we have BFA. Let players be the solution finders, not the devs.
Release WSG. Not having any BGs in and dropping the honor system like this was a terrible decision for anyone that isn’t 60 yet. My friends are dropping off because there’s nowhere to level without being in the middle of 100 people slamming into each other. Unfun. Release BGs sooner pl0x ty
Imagine quitting because you are a whiner
Imagine playing on a PvP server, not being 60 before the honor patch, and then complaining that there’s world pvp.
Phase 2 is killing Classic
Nothing is killing classic. It’s doing just fine.
Imagine being a level 60 talking down to people who haven’t hit 60 yet because they haven’t been playing since release. Classic edgy Undead Horde player.
Back to Retail LOL
My level is irrelevant, I have 0 HKs on this character. I’m laughing at people quitting because they don’t want to pvp on a PvP server.
lol yea, my 47 warlock’s leveling guide wants to send her to searing gorge. i cant even get her the flight path, the place has been overrun with multiple raids of ganking 60 horde since yesterday and has no indication of letting up. i may as well hide in dungeons or just shelve her indefinitely until things calm down, you cant quest at all.
PvPing on a PvP server has been fine until it made every 48+ levelling zone impossible to, you know, level.