Pets just stand there, literally on strike.
Dismissed, tonked did everything, the pets from me and other hunters in raid dont attack the boss.
Pets just stand there, literally on strike.
Dismissed, tonked did everything, the pets from me and other hunters in raid dont attack the boss.
Its been like that since SSC release. Pets only attack lurker when you manually click/press their spell hotkey. Putting them on aggressive or defensive does nothing either so unless you’re manually pressing their attacks, they just sit there.
I ran SSC last night and had the same issue, and no, you don’t have to go in to their spell book, I have my mouse wheel bound to /petattack and /petpassive and no matter what I did, the pet would not attack. This is a new thing.
No this hasnt been like this since SSC launch, this is a new bug.
None of my hotkeys were making my pet attack.
You can literally look at my logs for last night and see none of the hunter pets could attack Lurker then go look at my lurker log from the week before the patch and clearly see all hunter pets attacked Lurker.
Had the same issue with my Felguard last night. Also both hunters in raid, no pets attacking. We all resummoned and tried to force attacks with commands. Nothing worked.
This bug is still here.
Blizzard do something
Still bugged as of reset.
Who is surprised?
Anyone figure a work around for this?
Yup, never do SSC again.
Blizzard, this is going on too long now. Surely this can be fixed in a hotfix or something. Not that SSC is that important anymore, but it gives me doubts as to whether my pet is doing what he is supposed to be doing when it comes to other raids now. Please have a look and communicate with us?
I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a fix on this. Blizzard hasn’t fixed pets spawning with reduced health after dismounting, or any of the other numerous bugs that have been in game since TBCC launched.
I noticed last time I did it, my pet would only start attacking after a kill command, though let’s be honest, even when pets could attack lurker, the boss fight was Fubarred for them with all the pathing issues. All because they want folks to have to jump up to the platforms I think… /sigh.
I wouldn’t call it fubar’d. In the past a hunter knew to put his/her pet on stay in a location approximately behind the boss when it was tanked, and then just /pettattack or /petpassive during the spouts and submerges. Now the pets do absolutely nothing. I don’t think Blizzard even looks at these bug reports.