Pets in guild bank showing up as generic with no names or appropriate icons

I have a guild bank containing several hundred different caged battle pets. Today I logged onto the GM of that guild to take out and sell pets only to see this:

These are a variety of different pets with different names and icons, but those details are no longer being shown. Instead I’m being presented with a generic icon and name.

I reloaded on that character with no change to the pets displayed. I logged out and logged back on that character with no change. I then logged onto a different character on a different realm in a different guild that also had pets in the bank. I saw that those pets were displayed in the same bugged manner.

Pets in my original characters bags looked normal, but I’m worried to take anything out or put anything into the guild bank with the pets showing up like this.

Edit: Pets in the Warband Bank also appear normal.


Just came to report this same thing. This poor guild bank was emptied by the great Blizzard heist of 2024, they claim the issues was fixed so I started putting things back in it only to have this.

Same. “Luckily” Blizzard already deleted around 75% of our battle pets from our guild vault, so we’d only just started repopulating that tab. We currently have around 40 battle pets in our guild vault, and only four of them (1 x Left Shark and 3 x Spring Rabbit’s Foot) are showing as normal. The rest just show “pet cage” with no indication what is inside.

Moving it to a different tab makes no difference. Moving it to my character’s bags changes it back to it’s normal icon and tooltip.

Placing it in my warband bank and my personal character bank is not a problem. The issue appears to be purely with the guild vault.

PLEASE stop breaking our guild vaults and, if you’re going to break them again, can you PLEASE do a backup first this time?


I came here to see if anyone else is experiencing the issue. I thought it was definitely an add-on issue.

I also apparently can’t put links in my post. I wanted to include a screen shot. Oh well!


Thank you for testing whether the affected pets appear to return to normal when brought out of the bank. I wasn’t willing to mess with anything yet in case that affected their recovery.

I think I’ll still wait as long as I can in hopes of Blizzard actually fixing a bank issue satisfactorily, but will keep that option in mind.


There’s a new thread in the EU forums about it, where someone stated they removed pet cages from their guild vault and they disappeared … so definitely not planning on touching anymore … although there again, bearing in mind Blizzard now have form for telling us to leave stuff as is while they figure it out … and then it disappears … it might be worth the risk of taking them out and holding them temporarily somewhere “safer”.


Same issue. Here’s a list of the pets affected by this from my gbank.

The pets I had chilling in the guild bank for other guildies to take are now showing as the same item id (Pet Cage # 82800).
All of the pets that were caged show this. The pets that have not been caged (i.e., the items that reward pets) are fine. Here is the list of the specific pets in my guild bank that are affected. When I take the pet cage from the guild bank, they show as expected with the pet specific details. The issue seems to be specifically with the guild bank. These pets look normal in my personal bank and my warband bank
G0-R41-0N Ultratonk (ID#1961)
Sinister Squashling (ID# 162)
Echo of the Inferno (ID# 3289)
Clockwork Rocket Bot (ID# 191)
Infernal Pyreclaw (#2089)
Weebomination (ID# 1394)
Anomalus (ID# 2842)
Mini Mindslayer (ID# 1156)
Left Shark (ID# 1687)
Winter Rageling (ID# 1959)
Sanctum Cub (ID# 1958)
Snoozles (ID# 4296)
Sunfire Kaliri (ID# 1570)
Brightfeather (ID# 3323)
Kobaldt (ID# 3338)
Echo of the Depths (ID# 3299)
Hungry Burrower (ID# 2916)
Echo of the Heights (ID# 3310)
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler (ID# 2446)

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Bump. All I see are cage icons with the name “Pet Cage” and then the flavour text of “BattlePet.” When I take them out I can see them fine again but if they’re in the guild vault I can’t. I like to organise the pets by alphabetical order so it’s a bit of a pain having to take them out just to do so.


Yup, put me down for this bug as well. Went through some bank toons with guilds today & noticed that all the pet cages were not displaying correctly as you’ve stated.


Same thing has been happening for us for the past week. Hopefully it will be fixed before Christmas time as we do a huge event where members pick pets/toys/mounts out of our Guild bank tabs. Kind of makes it difficult to pick what they want if you just see the generic “pet cage”…

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This is clearly my fault for starting to trust guild banks after losing 7 tabs early in the expansion


There has been a blue reply about this on the EU forums:

(from this thread: )


Yep, having the same issue. I HOPE this is a visual bug and I HOPE this will be fixed without things disappearing. While I was very upset that I lost thousands of items due to the “Great Bank Heist,” I was at least RELIEVED that my Pet Bank was either minimally affected or not affected at all.

Please fix without making it worse. Please don’t make things disappear again.


I have a guild bank dedicated to nothing but pets and mogs. I’m not taking any chances. I logged on the guild lead and took every single pet out of the guild bank. Left a couple cheap ones in for testing. Hope to see this fixed with reset today since it’s Tuesday.


I had the same hope, but alas, no fix.

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Ok, so it’s not just me then. I noticed this last week and thought it was weird. Item levels are also bugged on armor and weapons that are put in guild bank. I know it’s just a visual bug but hopefully it gets fixed soon. I’m still mad about all the items that got lost from guild banks months ago too. Smh, enough is enough.


Between this and losing something like a third of my caged battle pets to the 11.0 guild bank fiasco that Blizz has written off… :grimacing:


OK, my GM just messaged me that there was a weirdness for the pets in the guild bank, showing just cages with no names.

I note my personal bank works fine.

Any chance, Blizz, we can get this fixed???

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This is probably linked to this:

Still poking around to see if it’s being worked on. :slight_smile: same problem.