Pets don't take reduced damage

Pets take full dmg in pvp. They don’t benefit from the health buff nor from the DR.
They are being melted in pvp right now while tickling opponents…


Small indie company, please understand.


I’ll have to check if Lock pets still take full damage too!

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All pets take full damage, even lock pets.

That said, as a lock, I usually use drain life on pets now because it gives full damage and self healing still.

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Pets should get the same treatment as players. Plz fix.

Its ok, people will still complain hunter pets are to strong and do to much damage…

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Good. Pets are still tools. They are not sentient players. They are used and discarded as needed. A hunter will gladly sacrifice the pet to save itself. That being said, they should receive full damage. The people on here complaining that their pets are taking full damage are the ones that are so used to leaning on their pets to kill their enemies aka bm hunters.


Good, hunters have been broken since P1 when your pets would solo people. Hunters had their fun in sod and now it’s time for them to be irrelevant for the rest of sod.

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I knew this first night… back to back 2k frostfire bolts…

As it should be. Cry more that you have to actually play your class and not just afk with your pet on aggressive.

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Good! Pets are super cheap and annoying. seeing as how you can feed them to full health and respawn them at a moments notice they should be way easier to kill… Now they are! Good change Blizz!

That’s the point of the spec, but it’s kinda unplayable right now. Also the spec has more pet interaction than before but you can’t do anything if it dies in 2 globals.
Btw I normally play MM but wanted to try BM for a change and see if it’s playable with the DR. But it’s the same as before, pets don’t get health buff and now no DR aswell so they just die in 2 dots.

Game knowledge=0.
Not too surprised that bad players are upset when BM is playable tbh.
Anyway it still needs to be fixed as they said player controlled units would be affected too.


And the game has never felt better. BM Hunter? Hope you slotted lone wolf hehe
Soul link warlock? Easy chain to break.

Homunculi, for like homuncugone

I was LW MM before the DR, it was much stronger in teamfights, BM was only good in 1v1 or for AB base defense.

And I would argue that pet management is more complex than hitting a chimaera shot…

Nah, give player controlled units and player guardians the PvP damage reduction too.

Started referring to my drain life target as a Blood-bag. Seems fitting.

If pets take full damage they should deal full damage.

Taking full damage while dealing 50% less damage is not balanced.

It should either be full damage both ways, or reduced damage both ways.

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I mean pets should take reduced dmg, it’s not even up for debate:

They just didn’t implement it properly.

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This is the same as the wsg DR buff. Whilst the anti-hunter crowd tried claiming pets weren’t doing reduced damage (they were).