That’s so cringe I gotta leave the guild. Don’t wanna associate with this behavior.
The evil has been vanquished.
Good luck on your future endavors!
Little man I wish you the best on your neverending journey to 60.
gchat is gonna be so much nicer now
Yeah nobody will make you feel insecure for grinding green quests while they take on difficult quests and do dungeons at the appropriate level instead of being overleveled for everything.
Your safe space.
Anyway back on topic: Why is it justified to lose a 60 to a disconnect or a one shot from someone else’s mistake in BWL, while petri also exists? Why are a dumb tank and the players that grouped with them that didn’t pull as carefully as they should have in hardcore be exempt from a death when a player in a hardcore raid that plays with someone that ignores a third party threat addon gets instakilled? Or someone who gets disconnected is instakilled? Why does diablo 4 have an item that automatically ports you to town when you disconnect but HC WoW doesn’t despite being a much larger time investment? Why is blizzard so damn bad at creating a hardcore experience?
Plus the playerbase, there are those that really couldn’t care less about the hardcore part of the experience and just enjoy the chemistry of the community on a hardcore server. These are the ones being pandered to hardest. Then there are the true hardcore players that are against stuff like petri, and these are the players that are disregarded. What’s with that?
I don’t understand the justification for petri when these other mechanics exist that are both more unfair and more punishing. What are the developers smoking? Maybe it was a mistake to legalize weed?