Either remove petri flask exploit or make a new server without petri flask so I don’t have to play with players who think they should get away with critical errors in dungeons.
There is a rift between the true hardcore players like myself and those who abuse exploits. It encourages gold buying, it encourages playing with an absent mind, it lowers the level of play because people expect to be able to just back out of their mistakes, and it is simply NOT HARDCORE.
The auto remove from instance abuse defeats the immersion of the experience, and it just reduces the stakes of hardcore to nothing. I don’t care if I die over someone else’s mistake, because at the end of the day, it was my mistake to group up with them. It’s not a gameplay mechanic mistake, but a mistake in forming a party correctly.
I don’t care if people like sodapoppin want to stay in the softcore version of hardcore where petri exploit is enabled, but please give me a true hardcore experience that doesn’t enable these exploits. It is a toxic environment to have to co-exist with these players.
You can make whatever hardcore rules you want man. It’s a self imposed challenge.
I imagine if petri wasn’t a thing people wouldn’t even risk doing group content.
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I do love to start my morning with an old fashioned no true Scotsman fallacy.
agreed. i think they should just fix the exploit now. the HC players who had to get muh firsts have had their fun. now let the real HC players take over
I wonder who will get the real first HC naxx clear.
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these people you speak of shouldn’t be playing HC then
The biggest offense I see in HC is people who twink out their alts or run around with level 60s on autofollow to basically ensure survival. I saw a warrior was doing the pirates in Tanaris and he had a 60 hunter and paladin on follow that he was using to keep himself alive.
I really don’t get it; if you’re going to play a form of gameplay that hinges on challenge why do the one thing that takes away the actual challenge of it?
Farming Bloodscalp Zvehras for those 30/30 Perfect Uncracked Unmolested Pristine Flawless Grundles for the 27th time isn’t the challenge, it’s a chore.
Reithardt you called a guildie “soy” for wanting to have a petri crafted with their own mats
You’d be the first one to fold if you died without a flask.
Petrification Flasks, even if they involve something janky as leaving an instance to take full advantage of it, are good for the game. They’re a player driven tool, justifiably priced high, and aren’t a guarantee that you won’t die. There are more than enough mechanics in the open world and across dungeons and raids to have you die unfairly – Petrification Flasks can mitigate and help respect the time invested into each character.
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I called everyone who uses them soy and never even saw that they were in the discussion to begin with. What prompted my engagement to the discussion was the first thing I saw in trade chat after porting to SW: “Petris defeat the purpose of hardcore” or something like that, to which I agreed with and echoed the sentiment of by saying petricore is soycore.
They’re 100% not good for the longevity of the game mode and are 100% an exploit that should be removed. The high price is part of the problem because it encourages botting and gold buying, the fact that they are “player driven” means absolutely nothing because an exploit is an exploit.
The whole guild ignored me basically and another guildy said “somebody grief reithardt’s sm run already and just get it over with.” Also look at you talking trash “You’d be the first one to fold if you died without a flask.”. Whole lot of projecting.
I get that you’re attached to your character and it’s a lot of time played to get to 60, but cheating is cheating and petri is an exploit that shouldn’t be in the game. If you want to play softcore, the mode exists. I play this mode because I enjoy the stakes and because it is dangerous. 200g for a potion to get out of a bad situation just discourages engaging with end game content regularly. It’s artificial stakes at that point. Especially with how prevalent gold buying is. It’s like 5 dollars to get 500g.
All I read in this thread and dialogue entirely is cope for cheating. I don’t care if you guys want to play on defias pillager where petrification is enabled, but blizzard should 100% create a hardcore server that doesn’t hinge on the abuse of an exploit to cheat deaths that should have occurred otherwise.
Verela " I wonder who will get the real first HC naxx clear." Nobody will, because they’ll all be based on exploiting the game as is.
If the game you’re playing feels like a chore then that probably means you should find a new game to play.
The high price is necessary because being able to safely bail shouldn’t be cheap. It’s a very powerful flask and it’s very common to die even when you have one if you don’t call for one fast enough or if you leader doesn’t call for it fast enough.
Hardcore’s economy is healthy enough for you to be able to make money by farming in-demand items whether they be profession-related or otherwise. Illicit gold buying is terrible and does impact us all, but to say that Petri’s are unattainable is ridiculous when the bulk of the materials are attained by fishing and are easy to farm. On my first character I was able to have more gold for my first mount before I hit 30, and then made tons of money with mid-level alchemy.
The money is there if you want to do some basic farming with it. This isn’t even factoring in the lucrative farming spots when you get to 60.
No matter how many times you say it, it’s not an exploit.
I was there, and you were being flamed because you were being standoffish and indignant when everyone disagreed with you. And it started because you openly flamed a guildmate on trade chat. Definitely the type to dish it but not be able to take it.
It’s not an argument, it’s a matter of opinion. You guys are okay with abusing exploits, for me it defeats the purpose of the game mode. I can take it, but I think you’re soy for defending exploits.
There is no way around the exploit angle of it though. That is absolutely not how petrification flask was intended to be used when it was created. I’ll give you the valid use of it right now like I said last night in trade: a dps goes too heavy with aoe in a dungeon, they pull aggro off tank, they petri so they can survive while the tank regains control, they unpetri when the situation is resolved.
That’s how petri is intended to be used. It is not intended to get you ported out of a failing dungeon group. There should be no easy way out. It’s not even a high price at all either. Once you are at that level it is easy to make that much gold like you said “The money is there if you want to do some basic farming with it. This isn’t even factoring in the lucrative farming spots when you get to 60.”
It’s okay that the guild tried to flame me, I get that it’s a sore subject and a lot of people had their fragile little egos hurt when I called out the fact that petri shouldn’t be in hardcore. It’s the same thing that happens every time and it’s pretty amusing. I almost hope they don’t remove the exploit because it gives me a lot of people to look down upon and that feels good. It’s good to know that I am hardcore and other people are just pretending.
It will be good to try to make groups for content at 60 while denying people access if they say they are using petris. I simply don’t want to play with someone who thinks they can bail out safely from poor play. It’s not a complicated game even at end game, stay focused, stay aware, you’ll be fine. The nature of petri discourages the simple focus required to actually play the game right. Tanks can survive a bad situation for long enough for the group to recognize it’s a petri moment so there is no skill factor to it. All it does is encourage behaving like a roach.
It started because I agreed with someone who said petri was against the spirit of hardcore. The guildy took it personally even though I never even saw their message in trade. What kind of ego is this anyway? Petri users are all incredibly insecure hahaha
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but they’re not entitled to not be responded to when they open flame rando’s
We can talk all day about out disagreements and be fine, because there is some merit to always wanting a “pure” experience in the games we play. It comes from a very romanticized place and we’re always chasing it.
But I feel the reason why HC is so fun the way it is now is because of the liberties that were taken away from the original SSF. It’s not even a lose-lose since SSF is coming next year to HC so everyone will be happy and you’ll even get a stamp showing your achievement if you get to cap with SSF.
But a lot of your rhetoric here and last night is all about taking things away from other players. It’s all about not using mechanics in the game. It’s all about wanting someone else to stop doing something they want to engage with for no other reason that you “don’t like it.”
Considering the rivers of dead lowbies we see on a daily basis, the bodies found in every single zone, getting to 60 is already an achievement to many. And you shouldn’t want to take that away from someone because they want protection against being unfairly griefed by a bad-faith stranger or putting in the effort so they can live to fight another day.
Then you get to cap in SSF and people abuse petri again, defeating the purpose of the real challenge of the game which is end game.
If anyone is taking something away from others, it is petri users taking away my chance to engage with HC endgame content. They play like bots, they roach out and petri, I am against petri so I have no bail method, and die while they survive a situation that only occurred because they knew they had petri to fall back onto. This is why I would never group up with a petri user, because I am unwilling to debase myself to that level. The true hardcore player pool is very small because most people are shameless and willing to use petri exploit to survive. If you think this is good for the hardcore community, we’ll never agree and that’s fine.
Just give me a server that disables the glitch so I don’t have to go to the trouble of avoiding these people.
go on youtube and search “Poke died in WOW, Soda’s reaction” tell me this is gameplay at a level worthy of cap in hardcore. Wild how bad petri makes players. “Everyone goes… slow in hardcore” proceeds to skip multiple packs for no reason other than to clear faster lol. Someone deserved to die in that run, but it wasn’t pokelawls.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
True so mean of me to call out an exploit awh I offended the babies pretending at hardcore
Exploit as a gaming term is a social construct and one that the developer ultimately decides on. It’s in place and approved so by definition it’s not an exploit.
I’d be fine if Blizzard decided to relaunch HC someday with new restrictions, one of which is no petri, but until that day comes it’s not an exploit.
Sure I mean you’re free to use mental gymnastics but it is against the spirit of hardcore and absolutely defeats the true purpose of the mode.
To each their own, I choose to not debase myself.
You’re perfectly entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts and acknowledging basic facts isn’t mental gymnastics; if anyone here is performing them it’s you.
Games don’t have spirits.
They aren’t alive.