Petri is an exploit and has to go

just admit you’re okay exploiting exploits :expressionless:

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I’m probably one of the few people on GD who has actually been given a temp ban for doing an actual exploit; one that impacted the raid scene at the time.

Not that I was proud of it. Basically got caught up in a raid “strategy” and immediately felt disgusted by it after the kill.

This ain’t it homie. In fact if there’s anything that’s actually an exploit it ain’t even petri; it’s the drop group function, but that being said both mechanics still function exactly as Blizzard advertised and again, Blizzard had opportunity to patch it for official HC. They’re both intentional features, and now with HC players use them to their advantage. This is an easy clever use of game mechanics.


Yup, which only works in these situations because of petri. Who would have thought that you can’t view on part of an exploit in a vacuum. Damn. The cope is real.

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You’re the one here talking it up about how petri needs to be removed or a server be made without petri being available, but ultimately your beef pertains specifically to petri within dungeons and raids because it allows groups of 40 people to call a wipe and minimize what should otherwise be a catastrophic event.

My point is if I was a dev trying to fix this I’d do something like hotfix the timer to not count down when within petri. The use-case for petri outside of instanced content is fairly limited, but they do exist and are much more specific in nature that shouldn’t be impacted just because people found a way to use them in one specific way that is trying to be nipped in the bud.

With how you talk, I bet anything that you use all sorts of cheap stuff to avoid dying or really taking on a challenge. If you didn’t you wouldn’t act like this unless you are like 12.


You really come off like you are vastly over compensating for something? What did you do that was so shameful?

Whenever someone acts like this in a game, they ALWAYS end up being the ones who cheat and exploit to the max.

Of course you wouldn’t have a problem if another player got you killed, based on how you interact with others, you don’t have any friends and you are so desperate to demonstrate your “mastery” of a 20 year old game, where every single aspect of it is well known by a huge amount of the player base.

I suspect that you either bought gold or paid for a 3rd party level boost.


It is.
You brought your chapped hide here after your guild chat got spicy and you didn’t care for it. Now you’re on your No True Scotsman high horse prancing your way to Copetown.


I guarantee that I play more hardcore than 99.99% of the playerbase. Nothing to prove to someone who projects like you though.

Lol sure buddy, that’s why you didn’t come here and try to massively flex. I have no doubt that you have played HC a bunch.

I suspect that you are not as good as you think you are, otherwise you would have the respect of at least a few people, but clearly you don’t. Also there would be no need to gatekeep like you are, it literally wouldn’t matter to you.

Maybe you should try a challenge that will be extremely difficult for you to do. Like not being an insufferable jerk to people?

like HC without the petri flask exploit? :expressionless: yes, that’d be nice

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No one is making you use one. Others using it in no way impacts you, so what is the problem?

um, it’s keeping players alive in my game world who should be dead :expressionless: kind of effects me. but thanks for your concern.


Lol what a joke. Get a personal private server setup to play by yourself.

The server you play on is not your server, it’s a server that your character that you play exists on that is owned by Blizzard, Blizzard has setup the current ruleset for HC based on the community standards at the time its creation, that community views this as being viable and that it creates better gameplay for long term enjoyment. When you created your character this information was common knowledge and you still decided to play on it.

Ignoring the fact that more people would have died if petri didn’t exist, if petri was removed prices of black lotus would drop to some degree as they’d only be for combat flasks and petri flask prices would plummet down to vendor price.

Whether that’s a good or bad thing is more subjective. This is part of the reason why Blizzard left it alone; petri recipe is a world drop and a bit of a pain to make which results in the cost of the flask being rather high so there’s an obvious trade off and upkeep to using them. If the petri flask was just a 10s vendor item my guess is Blizzard likely would have stepped in somehower; either flat removal or making it difficult to acquire.

The only real problem right now is the HC economy is totally borked as any Classic ecomony eventually devolves into. Guildie was recently bragging about making bank (ie: thousands) off the troll necklaces and pouches because they were priced high and he unloaded his inventory so whatever they are going for (I want to say close to 100g?) is fairly irrelevant for some people these days.

The idea that the existence of petri doesn’t impact anyone is folly though.

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I mean petri isn’t the reason the economy is always inflated on classic but more to do with the rampant gold buying/bot farming.

While yes most people “make their gold off the AH” the gold has to “come from somewhere”

All gold that is traded hands has to come from one of 3 sources.

  1. Raw gold looted from mobs
  2. Quest rewards
  3. Vendored items

Everything else is just gold trading hands and not being in-fluxed into the market.

Petri’s are expensive yes because of their value however average prices on items wouldn’t be so high if there wasn’t a ton of gold in players hands in the first place. Which this massive influx of gold is due to bots and gold buying.

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I don’t dispute any of this, nor was I saying petri is why it’s inflated. But with the economy out of whack the relative cost of carrying them isn’t an issue for some even though the actual cost looks pretty high on paper.

I’m mostly just pointing out the faulty logic of the existence of petri doesn’t impact anyone. People like to make this argument (“X doesn’t impact you so it’s fine”) all the time because they like to make the direct correlation of the topic at hand rather than look how it can impact gameplay from a broader perspective and my point was to highlight that there are other ways it does, even if those ways are subjectively good or bad.

Also, on another note, petri’s mere existence also means people are far more likely to bail even if the chance of staying alive was decent. Sometimes pulls are unsalavagable, but lots of HC death vids out there of someone immediately ejecting the moment a bad pull happens because the option to petri hearth exists. If you remove petri then it increases the demand to commit to try to save the pull because no other good option exists.


The classic economy is messed up because of the extremely low cost of entry for making a new bot account. You don’t have to purchase the game, you just need to subscribe and boom you have a fresh new account. It does not take that long to recoup the 15 dollars for the subscription and anything past that point until they get banned is profit for them. So until that is changed in some way, the economy on any classic server is going to be broken, and since it is extremely difficult to get any kind of detection system refined enough to catch them before they reach that profitability point, it ends up being a waste of resources for Blizzard to do anything beyond what they have been doing.

The best thing that they could do is aggressively go after those that buy gold, but they seem very reluctant to give people a ban longer than a few days to a week because that is a 100% for sure way to lose a subscription because the banned person will just unsubscribe until they get unbanned, and in most cases they just wouldn’t come back.

The community thinks that it would be better if they did do that, but that is assuming that the punishment was publicly shared, and let’s be honest, most people wouldn’t really believe Blizzard at this point if they said they perma banned X number of accounts for buying gold, and the people who are banned are not going to go yelling people.

But I do get your point in that these highly desirable items are a huge driver for people to buy gold. But removing one isn’t going to fix this situation. I honestly don’t know what solution would work, and I don’t think Blizzard knows either.

I do get what you are saying, it also allows people to not put as much thought into what they are actually doing before they do it.

I also think that because of the unexpected nature of the game and how things can go that you wouldn’t have enough people willing to buy into the mode without it to actually make it worthwhile for blizzard to setup a server like that.

Almost everyone I know only were willing to give hardcore a try because something like petri existed.

Oh the economy gets borked regardless, not really suggesting petri could make any impact on that. I’m just trying to be as factual as possible in this discussion about how petri impacts the game or is it an exploit or is it legit, etc.

Personally I’m rather indifferent to petri being in the game, there’s A LOT of nuance and I don’t think there’s an inherently correct way to deal with it. Ultimately it’s just a controversial topic and people are very unlikely to be convinced away from whatever their thoughts are on it.

I do think it’d be cool to see a server without petri and see if anyone can clear the content. The obvious answer is yes, but would be keen to see how long it takes. Also if they had to go in order because, IIRC, top guilds hopped around and did easy bosses in other content to help work through clearing other bosses.

Oh yeah 100% I agree. The “it doesn’t affect you” argument only really works in a single player game. The actions of others can and will affect you in a game like WoW.