Petless hunter!

They can:

  • Continue with the proposed 11.1 changes, EXCEPT removing Call Pet
  • Implement a new “Reverse Lone Wolf” passive
    • You deal 5% less damage whenever you have an active pet.
  • Disable pet family and specialization abilities for MM.
    • Personally, I think this is unnecessary, but I see the argument for removal. I’d go with a compromise solution - disabled in instances.
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I think tinker might be the next class so it would fit the petless survival hunter

Yeah. I’ll allow it.

Keep in mind “free damage” could be like an earth elemental being used against mobs/bosses that are immune to taunt.

As far as I go, I have argued for the pet to be reduced to just basic abilities, no utility outside of pocket tank. this can extend to the pet serving as nothing more then a companion or fetcher an overwhelming majority of the time. If it is all on me to do the damage, like it should be for MM, then the pet could serve as little more then a target dummy/love fool and still make those of us that want our pocket tank in solo content happy.

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sure, that’s fair, but we should probably ask for other classes to have a world content target dummy too for parity’s sake. it’s hard as a rogue

Take away the potential stun lock and massive damage potential of a rogue and we’ll talk.

I play outlaw rogue (have alts of all classes) and I seldom feel like I need a pocket tank or anything in world content. But then different classes have different tools.

Have the pet apply a debuff to the target reducing damage taken from Aimed Shot by some% (whatever is necessary for balance and to ensure petless is more dps). Because aiming around a beast is hard.

Interesting idea, but then some might try to pull the “if the mob is sandwiched between the pet and myself, or the pet in not in inline with my shot, why should I get the debuff”. No, if the pet effects damage at all, best bet might be with a pet out, the hunter loses 10% damage but 5% of that goes to pet (like you said though, whatever is needed for balance and to ensure petless is more DPS)

hunters also have massive damage potential though? it’s not a weak class at all.

Not saying it is, but not all classes should get the same tools, rogues have stuns, evasion, cloak of shadows, etc so they might not need the target dummy to bring their potential to bear on mobs.

hunters have stuns, traps, etc as well. it’s a lot harder to do world content on my rogue than my hunter. think about how cool it’d be if everoyne had a pet or bodyguard in the world to help tank.

Rogues are meant to be in melee, some of them to go toe-to-toe with the enemy. If you are having issues with one rogue spec, maybe try another.

That said however, while I am against a pet/body guard for all classes, I can see the argument that some specs of certain classes get tools, like sub becomes a spec focusses on distracting mobs while they kill them, keeping the mob guessing where the rogue is, etc.

Fact is, different classes, different tools, most of your arguments come more like wanting all classes to have the exact same kits so there is little difference between them.

wait, I thought we cant tell people to play another spec…

well no, it’s just to make world content and delves more accessible for everyone, as well as increasing options :smiley: that’s what it’s all about, options.

Because a lot of the time those that those that tell others such, tend to hate being told such themselves. Like those that say “if you want a pet, roll BM” hate being told that if they want a ranged pet less spec, play mage, boomkin, etc.

Yes, you’re right! :smiley: it’ll be added to that category. The difference between war, dk, and petless, melee hunters is that the hunters would obviously be hunter themed. At least for SV. And what happened to warden hero class? didn’t that happen?

Warden sounds like a Demon Hunter that found employment. A real professional.

Kind of like a Paladin that liked having Justice of the Pure providing a dispell, but Blizzard deleted it and now someone could tell that paladin they should play priest if they like holy spells and dispells.

Solves nothing but people like sharing unsolicited advice.

ranged with pet. you mean like a warlock? some thing that already exist.? :stuck_out_tongue:

True, but also equally silly. MM had pets on live it’s whole existence, so the change to no real pet is unsurprising shocking to people. I think I am good either way. Meanwhile folks saying there is another spec to go to that meets your needs is about 10% helpful and 90% condescending. If they wanted Warlock gameplay and fantasy they would main or alt a warlock. They are hoping to play with their hunter pet, and this part is crazy I know, but they want to do that as MM for some reason.

I will say, as infrequently as is can be used, the pvp talent to cast Aimed Shots on the go with Cheetah in use is pretty cool.

They can want that all day but it clearly comes with a cost that devs no longer wish to maintain, can be achieved with another spec on the same class, and actively harms people trying to play the spec in a way the devs clearly want to be how it is played.

MM is held back by the pet no matter how you slice it, and using the pet is MUCH more effective when done as BM. “Just have both options” is clearly not working out so they are changing it, thankfully.