It would be nice if pvp received anywhere near the attention that pve does, but that’s never going to happen.
Players, at all ranks did. I played up to around 1800 during WoTLK when the arena first came out. You would legit see ppl leave the thing early at times just because they didn’t want to deal with it and even when running beast cleave, a team that loved the map, the ppl I played with tended to let out audibke groans when that mapped popped.
No one liked it.
Accurate imo.
Not a glad hated it
Back then… Alotta new players in wow now days, they dont wanna play on the same maps their parents did lol.
To each their own, I would not mind arena full of random surprise deadly traps. High and low ground, hills and holes, shoots n ladders lol. Maybe NPC monsters that if you agro them they get ya lol. I would prefer this to the same old circle boxing ring and let the dps cc race begin.
How about prot pallys as healers in RSS?
Can support this.
This is referred to as world pvp. It has it’s place, arena isn’t it.
I mean weather system that affects gameplay might send of few people over the edge but a day and night cycle would be aweosome.
And a good dark night cylce not this permanent dusk for evenings most game run now a days.
I agree. Pvp has been stale for long enough. Creativeness has fallen below expectation. I understand it isn’t something that comes from a simple patch, but come on, full expansions?
DF seems rushed to death. It literally feels like we are playing a mid-stage beta game. But alas, it’s always all about the money. I bet you some of the top people in charge don’t even play the game. It’s similar to how like a top executive at a company has no clue how to run the cash register.
dey be getting fired mon just wait till deal goes through mwahahahahaha
The fact that the illusion for PVP is still not in the game kind of definitely tells me that they 100% rush this thing to make it for holiday sales
It’s time for a change in leadership. New people who actually play the classes they are buffing or nerfing. New maps. New perspectives.
I’m in for a big change. Every xpac its garbage and the same stupid fotm classes dominate as usual. Get rid of the
soccer moms that run pvp and replace them with real people that actually play the damn game.
Ill sign your petition.
Well an experienced competitive wow player or seasoned mglad should know when poor class performance is caused by poor gameplay vs caused by the design of the class itself.
So if they were honest and skilled they should have good contributions to class balance and design. A middling player might overbuff a class because they don’t realize the class’s top end potential…and once the masses figure out how to polish up and deliver on high-end plays from a class (which they will- they will game it out and people will sharpen their skills, improve their ui, etc.) then you have big class imbalance again.
I really wish they had experienced competitive devs designing and playing every spec. Sometimes it’s so obvious from their changes that the devs don’t understand how a class actually plays. If they can’t stretch it, then they should solicit high level and trustworthy community feedback.
Also professional or highly skilled/experienced players often multiclass, whereas the masses are just “me me me- buff/don’t nerf the class I’m playing!”
there are ofc exceptions and evil streamers, rmt’ers, etc.
gw2 really is the best choice… anet devs have pvp guilds unlike liberalizzard
The fact alone that Blizzard NEVER created a cool duelling zone in front of Orgrimmar or Stormwind shows how less they care for PvP.
I mean… c’mon… at least give us a few pillars or stones you can hide behind. That’s like a 5 minute job.
It’s just a demonstration of incapacity.
I agree that PvP needs to go into a new direction w some new leadership.
Selling ratings is rampant in wow, someone is sleepin on the job.
The last time we had this frequent of balance tuning specific to pvp was legion. In legion, the tunes to templates would often completely make or break a spec. In my opinion, it is not perfect, but still better than then.
You also have to take into consideration that this is the first expansion and season with ranked solo shuffle.
RSS has unquestionably shaken up our perceptions of what is strong or not because of the difference in metas where most classes were playing coordinated comps. Where rogue and mage were probably always balanced under the assumption that they were playing with each other, they now have to look at them in random comps as well. Same thing with enhancement shaman, plenty of times it was “strong”, but only really played in turbo.
RSS threw an entirely new variable into the equation - do you potentially make regular 3s comps insane by buffing the more niche specs so that they compete well in shuffle? Or do you accept that those specs are just going to be harder in shuffle and continue balancing them around regular 3s where they play in a coordinated comp that suits them well?