Petition To Reassign PVP Designers at Blizzard

You can’t really make wow pvp good without designing it like smite.

Something I’m not sure the community wants.

I enjoy wow pvp but its confined by an ancient game engine.

Q an affliction warlock in to DH DK and tell me who you think is more stressed out / juggling things in their mind.

Position. How / when to kite. Not running @ your healer but also not running away from them. Staying in range of port. Rotating Darkpact, wall, healthstone, big sucks, port, gate. Getting damage out. Juking kicks. Rotating DR. The amount of mental energy you expend playing an aff lock while you get domed by DH DK who do nothing but training dummy you is comparatively insane and not even close to comparable.

While the DH DK literally PvE you like you’re a mob in de other side. Oh they’re dying? AMS / zone. Who do you think is having more to deal with in this situation

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I’m 100% ok with Warlocks having to deal with one comp that makes them as miserable as they make everyone else.

Wanna know something worse than playing Warlock into DH DK? Playing Ret into Warlock/Spriest.

Or playing DK into Warrior/Feral


Not saying warlocks aren’t disgusting. They are disgusting, thats not what we’re talking about. I’m saying how could you possibly think that you as a cleave have more to think about than the effort this warlock has to exercise to get a single cast off. It’s not just DH DK, it’s any cleave in the game that just mindlessly runs them down.

You play 3 melee specs bro. Level a warlock and Q in to cleaves and tell me how miserable that is / how hard you have to try to get any damage out at all while they just W pve you to death. Open your mind by experiencing other things in the game before you presume to comment on them.

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What about that other 98% of the PvP playerbase that will probably never hit r1, but still PvP as their main source of fun in WoW?

There are also people that don’t stream and won’t hit r1, but play PvP for 12hrs a day (granted, fewer than those of us with jobs and obligations and what not). Players that sit anywhere from 1100 to 2400 rating that probably see the more “common” experience of WoW pvp. I’m sure some of them have some good feedback.

What about them? What’s your argument here? You saying that class balance doesn’t apply to them?

Crazy that checkpvp lets you hide some characters from the public record.

Im not proud of having played a Warlock

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That’s why you got to go big brain and just macro auto run into all your abilities

Kek adding random macros to your abilities like that

ChatGPT, write me a macro that will only use my kick when my enemy is casting a specific spell.

You joke but people actually do this. Snutz has a VOD of him playing vs a Nelf priest that instantly melded all his axe tosses :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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My argument is that these players would be just as qualified to be design “consultants” for PvP, and would represent the experience that most players tend to have when playing as opposed to the MultiGlad who plays 2600+ lobbies all day.

Oh no…

I mean, a 420ilvl 1400 rated war is gonna MS for the same as a 420ilvl 3000 rated war, skill is knowing when/how to use abilities not the abilities themselves. Balance should be universal.

So, I guess my question is what makes them any more qualified to speak on balance than any other player that spends a comparable amount of time PvPing? Just their rating?

Nothing, I just mentioned them because we can verify they spend a bunch of time pvping, if there are other no lifers spending 12hrs a day pvping that can get job done then go for it

Random PvP dev: "sir, there are reported kickbots and scripts in arena, players are fuming over balance concerns, the shuffle queue has been bugged since inception, players can’t apply sockets to their pvp vault gear, there are a multitude of bugs in pvp ranging from falling through arena floors to UI issues, and players have generally hated every new map we have introduced. Are you sure this is the best use of our resources at this time?

Ion: “Damnit I said hire a new pvp world builder! NOW!”

At least that’s how I imagine this happened.


Personally I think the logic was more along the line of “There are maasive problems with current arena? therefore we need new arenas haha”

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Did players hate it or did XXXgladiators hate it because players got one over on them? Blizzard bases pvp by what the less than 1% think.

If everything is balanced then nobody feels special.

If nobody feels special then they stop playing.

Blizzard knows that the majority just watches tier list videos and plays the S tier specs.

So they buff and nerf so that people reroll to the FOTM over and over. More sub money, more money on boosts, more money on tokens for gear.

It’s simply good business. Don’t expect balance, ever.


Now that is some good Truth!!!

And if they did remake pvp, I hope they focus on fun, not what the 1% super glads say who play wow for a living working for websites.