Petition to Buff MW


Waiting on you Blizz

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I regularly get denied to heroic CN pugs on my mw yet always get accepted on my disc priest. I’m 10/10h on my priest. Just because you don’t experience it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Your only 209 ilvl with low io that is 7/10 of course you get denied.

I will say however that I often surprise people in keys. Kind of like “wow mistweavers aren’t that bad!.” The stereotype sucks bc in part it is true. I think that fistweaving is really intricate which is something thats enjoyable about it. There should be recompense for it I think.

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That’s because there are tons of people that play mw that don’t know how to, despite how small the playerbase is

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That’s my point! Every1 here should be playing your MW to show the community it isn’t THAT bad.

Don’t quit MW because it isn’t FOTM or some random pug throws a fit. Don’t like when people say the spec is unplayable due to balance because it just isn’t true.

Is any1 in this thread even 6/10M?? I would love to know and make sure to show proof. “like your main MW”

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Please buff the poor MW


Didn’t you hear the dragon slayers? MWs are fine.

Edit: all the ppl who think MWs need work just suck, apparently.


I hate the idea of showing stuff like that off, but I got ce in most of bfa’s tiers if it means anything, and the only play where mw needs desperate buffs is pvp

I would like to see them just lower vivifies cost by just a little bit for room to throw out more spot heals, but I think that’s really all that is needed


Well most do on these forums. I am not sure if you noticed but hardly any monks are even AOTC. I am not trying to be mean to you all. I am not the best monk in the world, but I sure do keep trying to play my monk.

You see a lot of monk posts saying “I can’t play my mistweaver which is my favorite class because it isn’t good”. These people don’t even heroic raid or mythic raid. hardly any do a +15 or even +10 keys.

  1. How do they know it isn’t good if they don’t play the spec.
  2. How do they know what is wrong with the spec if they don’t play it.

Most of these monks are just saying things they hear from other people. Its becoming a fad at this point. They don’t even understand what the monk problem is because they don’t play it.

Look up some logs of a good monk and learn from them. Learn how to play the spec and you’ll see it isn’t that bad.

Edit: A great thing to do is look at the timeline of a good monk. Understand why they healed so much and where in the fight. Also put your own logs into a site like WoWAnalyzer and look over them. Understand what you’re doing wrong and fix it.

Just trying to help you all out because we know Blizzard isn’t going to do anything.


After playing both Disc and Resto Shaman in pve/pvp this expansion, yeah this sucks guys. Mistweaver has been my favorite healer since it came out, and Blizz absolute dumpstered the spec.

We need a significant overhaul and/or many buffs to our kit.

Disc Priest being melee’d gives them a 15% damage reduc PASSIVE while we have a 3 minute cooldown Fort Brew that gives the same effect. We can do nothing in stuns. We oom in 2 minutes of arena. Our mobility does not help if we can’t survive the initial burst. I hope Blizz has something planned.




Waiting on you Blizz



WW and BM feel great. MW? Not so much…

Also healed on holy priest and resto sham and they’re both leaps and bounds better.


Mistweaver or fistweaving is viable in raiding. I do not think anyone has said that or at least I am not. The problem is how you have to play compared to before. Fistweaving with spirit of the crane you are not worrying about mana much since you are always getting it back until you have to hard cast a few vivifys and enveloping mists. Mistweaving you should just be spreading renewing mist and communicating with your other healers. Vivify and enveloping mist cost to much to be spamming.

I do not care for raiding. I fill in for heals or dps when needed. What I do care about is M+ and that is where the flaws are shown. Coordinated group? Sure I can heal that 7+, 10+, etc. But pugs its extremely hard without going oom a lot especially once you get to higher keys. FIstweaving I have found depends on the weak. Affixes can make that playstyle null without having to stop dps and run out to not die. It was Spiteful before and now the lightning affix is up next week?

Fistweaving needs to be smart heals or an ability to be smart heals. Mistweaving needs mana reduction on spells and a laundry list more that won’t happen for a long time.



Please reduce the mana cost… seems like MW is always the first to OOM compared to other healers.


I don’t like the logic of “help yourself because Blizzard won’t do anything” that just feels bad. Like its fine to want some Quality of life improvements.

I’m hopeful that they are taking passes at the classes in role by role basis, seeing as they are buffing a lot of dps classes that were bottom tier by 3-5% overall, how much that will help we will see.

Its not unreasonable that they take a pass at the healers next. And all I think MW needs is a little mana cost reduction. Because like I think we all agree Monk’s throughput is fine.


MW doesn’t have any form of content that it excels at. Subpar in RBG’s. Horrible in arena. Subpar in Mythic+ and raiding

I think the spec feels clunky too. They tied fistweaving to essence font and I think that’s a weird combination


i just want to play my MW again i hate that i had to switch to heal because mw is so bad atm

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After seeing even survival getting some flat dmg buffs I wouldn’t be surprised if many healers are getting a big overhaul before next tier.

Spirit Shell is broken OP in CN. I mean on my disc priest I can outheal other healers by like 4k and essentially nullify entire mechanics repeatedly. Compare that to mw for example and I think that there does need to be some real balancing around healers in end game. It feels weird saying to nerf my main’s spec but I just don’t think people realize how weak mw feels compared to other healers.


Well, apparently Cdew said we have buffs inc on his stream yesterday.