Petition to bring back Brian Birmingham!

Sarcasm not your strong suit in whatever country you’re from, huh?

Oh so your point about the FTC blocking mergers was sarcastic then, good to know.

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It wasn’t permanently blocked. Lawyers will spend the next 2 years negotiating terms and eventually it will go through.

In the meantime, that delay cost us Brian!!!

Blame Sony…

The whole company needs to come together and get rid of Bobby Kotick. He’s the scummiest greediest POS human and CEO and is the reason for all the bs that continues to go on over there.


nah, holly can be next.

so Blizzard liked parsing. what’s unfair about parses?

only gray-parsing employees hate that system…

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I hope we don’t. RDF is poison to the game. Also Brian is a true gem for standing up how he did, Blizz needs to rehire him immediately.

Good luck making them understand where the problem really lies and how bad it is for WoW and Blizzard that they had Brian let go.

A guy tries to be a good manager, and falls on his sword fighting a toxic policy that’s ruining people’s workplaces… meanwhile all you can think about is your dogsh%t gameplay mechanic.

You’re a toxic child.


Even though I disagreed with some of the changes he pushed on Classic I have nothing but respect for his decision, Blizzard really screwed up. Though now I’m hoping this means RDF is more of a possibility

only if RDF is added with personal loot so people cant ninja (: (:

Maybe he was a good manager, but he was bad for the game. Classic shouldn’t be anyone’s ego trip, it should just be “expansions how they were” glad he’s gone.

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Cringe take buddy.

RDF incoming.

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I put in a support ticket after canceling my subscription, using the same words for both. “Brian Birmingham is right.” With no other explanation.

Other people should consider doing the same.

RDF is uber cringe kekw

Might help you reach level 80.

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None of the expansions are Classic WoW.

Definitely not kekw

None of the expansions are Classic WoW.

True and real.