Petition: No Transfers to New Realms...Period

I Agree, is necesary.

transfers to fresh bad :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

lol because $10,000-$20,000 through the life of wotlk classic is too much to say no to. It’s a drop in the bucket

That wouldn’t even cover a month’s salary of their lead developer.

You know what happens when people transfer over? The market prices get multiplied by 50 and they yoink all the new transfer player gold. They make a notice opening transfers and people start buying the market out to relist it for all the new transfers. They come over thinking they will live like kings and end up hating life waiting out the 2 months to transfer back.

50/50 chance blizzard forgets to turn transfers to fresh servers off, and economy is ruined day 1

lol you seem to have 0 clue about gold making in wotlk, those are not even close to being profitable raw gold farms are trash in wrath, and if blizz actually controls RMT and perma bans, it wouldn’t be much of a issue like it is on current servers.

Gold issue exists from mass botting/hacking/cheating uncontested since 2019 vanilla to present, that won’t be the case on fresh servers with massive restrictions and moderation.

Fresh would be much healthier long term compared to what we have now.

call blizzard doing their job and banning RMT/botting from the start as they pop up.

My money was on them accidentally letting you 70 boost on fresh.

Sad roulette we play.
But it’s hard to forget those classic characters that made it over into SoM.

Signed. No transfers !

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It probably either needs to be not at all or a pretty significant time. 6 months+.

agreed. Keep transfers out.

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