Petition for poly and kidney to be on same cc table

Is this a post to make Poly a stun?

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how to get ignored by the devs 101 … I agree tho

The height of skill is 3-2-1 and coordinating cross cc while mashing big instant dmg buttons, this game skill ceiling is quite low

ALL cc’s need to be tied together


yeah i love those other mmos with 1 CC school so you never spend more than 2 seconds CCd so you can keep pew pewing …

I have much less of a problem with Rogue mages cc and damage as i do with their artificial survivability that comes from their cc paired with their high baseline survivability from just having strong defensives

Their survivability should only be linked to their cc chain. Once the cc falls off you should expect to absolutely merk the rogue or mage but as it stands they are still live lords outside cc too

Mage just alters or temporals to full each time, or blocks back to full. Seriously mages do not need to have their own self healing abilities

Rogue feint is a 30% DR with a 40% aoe DR on a really low cd and should not have any self healing abilities either, Id only be okay with old recuperate if anything, a very slow overtime heal for like 2% hp per tick

Hitting a rogue should be like hitting a thin piece of glass with a sledgehammer same goes for mage. Any amount of uptime on these classes should result in near fatal damage immediately.

Rogue mage games should very much end by the 2nd go, But as it stands you can shutdown up to 5 to 6 of their go’s before the threat of them dying even becomes relevant.

Games vs rogue mage should be very decisive, Either they win really fast or the other team wins really fast, If they play really good and use their cc real nice and land good kicks they should win, but failing to do that by the 2nd go should result in them just getting merked because their classes should be extremely, extremely, squishy

So what your saying is we should buff RM so much that they hit you like a sledgehammer hits glass at all times

and you hit them like a sledgehammer hits glass at all times.

I agree buff RM, no one should withstand 5-7 goes throw me a 500% damage buff and uninstall my iceblock and shields, lets take this back to S1 TTK before meteor even has a chance to connect

I’ve always been in the avenue of, give poly a small CD to prevent constant spamming.

I actually agree but for different reason. I think RMP is a super punishing comp that creates a situation where cooldowns are much more important to use wisely. It’s the best gameplay to review and learn from for me.

Edit: I guess that’s pretty much the same reason…

To me, it is the damage they have. A rogue or a mage can solo someone when they pop their cooldowns on their goes when everyone is cced.

Maybe do something to reduce the damage they do during their goes. Needing all 3 members to do damage to get a kill during their goes.

yeah while we’re at it, we should take away anti-magic shield from DKs and put paladins HoJ on the same CD as poly. Heck we might as well, just take away totems from shaman