Petition for poly and kidney to be on same cc table

Clearly you’ve never seen me drop a healing tide totem directly in front of the enemy DPS.


prblem with rmp is just DB is stupid and mage is wayyy to tanky, rogue has to many tools to restealth without help

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Dragonflight db being 45 seconds brings tears to my eyes. Thank god.


S tier damage
S tier defensives
S tier CC

crazy how they have all 3


all of us would be 3200cr if mages werent so op :frowning:

Vs certain comps like dh dk rsham or demo afflic being healed by mw with port legendary you can’t kill without perfectly timed setup but vs other comps it’s really easy

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We will be continuing to analyze and evaluate how overall crowd control plays in PvP throughout Beta. Additionally, we are discussing some other options for future patches to further address the concern of crowd control, one being adjusting the PvP duration on individual abilities that many have not been changed for years. We are interested to see your feedback on that proposal. For now, we think having a reduction in overall crowd control will help for a healthier state of PvP.

If you actually read a blue post for once you will see they are already considering “old” cc chains.

They are most likely looking at polymorph and blind/sap

Just play guardian if you don’t like getting cc’d.

I FEEL like when I read that I was listening to Tzeentch, and it really creeped me out.

them looking at old and untouched cc’s is just code for “we’re looking into removing priest cc and giving that cc to evokers and hunters”


My first thought was Mage and Rogue stuff, specifically Polymorph.

Or don’t play guardian so you’re not part of the toxic problem :wink:

Hahhahaha no way a single person actually liked this suggestion


I feel like any post demanding rogue mage nerfs no matter how silly is just panhandling for upvotes

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Got to be playing the game to be part of the ‘toxic problem’.
What’s a bigger problem for people trying to get into arenas are smurfs. Why I propose the idea of having a class or spec based rating that’s account wide to any specific class or spec on the account. Force the smurfs to reroll, which is far more fair than the one trick ponies with 5 alts at various ratings on the bracket. Likely help increase participation at the high end as well.

I think the biggest issue is the structure. Like, finding a compatible partner and hopefully having them stay, which results in more time spent looking for queues than actually playing.

Also the smurfing thing can be helped a bit by reducing incentives to remain at low mmr. You’ll always have people helping friends or whatever and that’s fine, it’s just tragic when the bis way of getting gear is hammering out low and low-mid mmr wins.

Honestly having rewards to encourage people to play their own class, like class specific elite sets, is pretty cool

Unless you’re maintaining above the r1 cutoff, which recently requires a lot of queuing at specific times so you don’t tank playing against -200mmr teams. If you are doing that, you’re likely doing it on multiple characters just in case or to keep up practice.

Otherwise you just finish gladiator and if r1 isnt viable to maintain rating, you only need to be above 2400 if you care for the upgrades or 2100 for max ilvl pvp off pieces. After you’ve got all your upgrades, why not just play at low mmr where there’s more people to play with? Especially if you were like me and have family/IRL friends who aren’t 2700xp mglads who really want to play with you.
DF it should be even worst since theres no % gladiator and no pvp incentive to push rating via gear upgrades like in WoD. DF I see no reason so far to even push early in the season than to flex early season gladiator. Easier to just push in 2s anyways for upgrades in SL.

Fun fact: you could have all equivalently skilled and experienced players (all 2700xp mglads) and still have a season gladiator wrongfully stripped. Unfortumately Blizzard has created an environment where the only reliable ways to retain progress is to be important enough like a streamer or you have to buy a gold boost to prevent Blizz from thinking RMT was involved somehow.

Kidney should be a 4 Sec stun. No Stun should be longer than 4 Sec.

Poly should be on a 20 sec CD.


If rogue CC is reduced in anyway we are going to get more damage to compensate careful what you wish for.

More damage than you already have? hahahahahahaha