Petition: Add in lvl 58 PvP Gear

No changers have no idea what they’re talking about, you could get both sets in Vanilla. Starting to think it’s just buzzword now.


Actually that was patch 2.0 the TBC pre-patch and not actually Vanilla wow.

That’s most people because most of them didn’t even play vanilla so they simply only parrot what they have been told.

I just want the 58 sets added in because I prefer some of the 58 pieces over the 60 for certain specs.

50s is the anti-twink bracket. Twink implies getting carried by a max level, and the R10 armor probably isn’t even BiS for many slots. You can’t get a 60 to carry you to R10, you have to earn that yourself.

It was in vanilla longer than the 60 sets which were only added with Naxx… I said as much in the OP…

The itemization is based on 1.12. At one point, the loot and vendor tables were supposed to have been based on patch. There are clearly other aspects that are being phased in differently than 1.12. Adding 60 armor at this phase was just one of the many arbitrary changes Blizzard decided to make to classic.

Developers have scoured through vendor lists and treasure tables for items that were added in patches, and then attached them to the staged content unlock plan. This means that if a new item was originally added to a dungeon boss’s loot table with Ahn’Qiraj, you shouldn’t expect it to appear in WoW Classic until Phase 5, which is the phase that contains Ahn’Qiraj content.

I’m not saying I don’t understand why Blizzard would make these changes, but the 60 armor in this phase is one of many things changed for classic, and it’s a change that could easily be reverted and improve the game.

Actually they arent braindead, its like a perfect imitation of the nochanges group

I would say the nochangers are like the group of people who stand in the back of the auditorium of college campus debates yelling “SAFETY” while all the adults actually try to debate.

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stop this blasphemy in the name of your KING!

This is stupid logic, there are literally items not in the game now that were added to dungeons before 1.12, but will be added later cause they were added later, lol.

But those items didn’t outright replace pieces of gear like the lvl 60 set did with the lvl 58 set, once the lvl 60 set came out you could no longer purchase the 58 set ever again

It’s a situation that’s different from other items, yes, so the decision either way is rather arbitrary, just like unarmored mounts (incomplete content/only available for a minority of vanilla). Blizzard has not established a clear single standard or guiding philosophy to what changes they make, and the changes they have made, including vendor lists being based on 1.12 for this phase, are numerous. Even now, some things are implemented in non-1.12 ways such as HK DRs and it just isn’t 1.12 with content gating.

Again, I didn’t say I don’t get why they did what they did, but many of these decisions are arbitrary, what parts of 1.12 are in and out are arbitrary, which things were never in vanilla are in and out are arbitrary, there are a several things that are just plain changes, and there are arguments for and against.

Blizzard has been inconsistent with their messaging, their official website even links to both sets on wowhead. Even stating versions from 1.12 is slightly confusing since they made a big deal over 1.12 itemization for epics in the itemization approach, but glossed over the blue set, and there was no official comment the many times it was asked about. There would be arguments going either way, but the way Blizzard is implementing it is less like vanilla and more 1.12 private server style.


Lol. You think I was trolling. Your bad.

No changes.

You’re an idiot. The entire burning crusade expansion was beautiful and epic pvp and pve wise and they “ADDED” lots of stuff so your logic is LOW IQ.

It wasn’t until the end of WOTLK that they started catering to low iq casual folks that would spam forums crying all day every day that ended the run wow had.

No. Both sets did not exist at the same time. If 58 is added, 60 would have to be removed.

Both sets did exist at the same time. Both sets still exist in retail wow. You were able to own both sets, and arguably in this phase, pre-BWL, it makes more sense to remove the 60 versions, because adding the 60 versions with their high ilvl is a change that messes with progression.

All right bucko. Start calling people names. You are part of the problem. Like the pit calling the kettle black.

Get over your bad self. Blizzard went with the final 1.12 versions.

No changes.

Yea activiss also thought BFA was an awesome idea
They also thought no pvp vendors was a great idea
They also thought alienating an entire player base (PVP’rs) was a great idea.
They also thought forcing PVP’rs to PVE for gear was a great idea…

Ya they’re doing great… I mean they had to re release a 15 year old version before the company tanked.

EDIT… I called you LOW IQ cause you’re THAT guy spouting hurrr hurrr “NO CHANGES” all though a TON of stuff has already changed and they’re currently still making changes.

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So now your defending Activation for the state of BFA. Never claimed BFA PvP was good or bad.

Calling people idiots shows you are in fact the one with a low IQ.

Want to actually have a conversation or a friendly argument. You went the wrong way about it.

Nothing you spewed out makes me even want to change my stance on no changes. How about we just get through phase 6 and see how classic turns out before we start asking for TBC, Wolk, WoD, PvP changes or whatever.

No changes.

yall got too much time on your hands to write stuff like this out.