/petdefensive macro

My “/petdefensive” macro stopped working.
I use that a lot
It does not show an error. It just doesn’t do anything. It used to switch my pet to defensive.
The following do work in macros:

The syntax that I’ve found for /petdefensive shows a parameter but I can’t find one that will work.
If someone can post an example, I would really appreciate it.


Yup, that’s definitely a bug.

Report it in-game via Help > Submit Bug

Thanks, I reported it as you suggested.

I came here for this… also reporting bug.

It’s been over a month and still no fix for this.

When will this be fixed?

Probably not before 9.0

I know it’s haphazard but you’re still looking for a workaround till they fix this you can use

/click PetActionButton2

and put it on that button on your pet bar, or change the number. I also use this for my “purge” macro so i don’t have to use put all the different pet interrupts into the macro like Nether Shock/Serenity Dust or w/e


This is still broken in Shadowlands.

I’ll report it in alpha channels.


Thanks. This is what I needed.
I used PetActionButton9 which should be the default location for hunters who have not changed the layout of the pet bar.


Thank you for sharing, /click PetActionButton# definitely works! But it’s a very sloppy solution. Blizzard wants us to have more control of our pets, while for over 7 months not fixing a core pet-control ability that we’ve had since Vanilla.

It’s on my wishlist for 9.0

this is still broken… wtf man

lol this is STILL broken.

It’s still broken… sigh.

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i realize devs have can’t fix everything immediately

but at this point it honestly feels like they are intentionally giving players the middle finger

Still broken… just discovered this myself today. /petdefensive must be recognized as a command since it doesn’t result in the usual “type /help” message for commands that don’t exist… but nothing happens when you use it.

I can’t figure out if there’s a way to use this method in a /castsequence.
All I want to do is toggle the pet stance.

Not possible

With my necromantic powers, I resurrect this thread to inform you!.. This is still bug July/2021!