Pet Rez: shadowlands, hunters SOL

Dude what? Kill command is the focus generator for survival. It literally cannot function without its pet. BM does nothing without its pets. Warlock functions fine without the secondary function of an interrupt.

You’re actually just a stupid troll. Stop talking.


This whole discussion is stupid. Pets shouldn’t have a 6 second cast time. That’s it. It shouldn’t be a pity party for who has it worse.

Just revert the change. It was fine. They are creating a problem.


I concede that hunters do need pets for a decent chunk of damage, but let’s not overstate it. It’s neither negligble nor impactful-- it is somewhere in the middle. Which is a place where we should all strive to be, mind you.

Survival pet damage only becomes really impactful if you take certain talents. I think its okay that talents change your playstyle, that’s kind of the point of them. So if you take all the kill command talents, you need to play around them… meaning you need take better care of your pet to optimize them. That shouldn’t be a problem since hunters have MANY tools for their pets.

As survival the only focus generation i have demands my pet to attack my target. When pet is dead I lose ROS, Master’s Call, Mortal Wounds, etc.

You really have zero idea what you’re talking about.


Dude he’s on the short bus with Dozer. Not worth responding to considering he’s spewing bullsht about pet damage like that matters to Survival as opposed to the focus generation.

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That’s fine, it’s okay to lose those things due to poor pet management.
Poor play should be punished, I think that’s one of the tools for sucessful PVP.

I did overlook this point though, but regardless, I think the point still stands that different classes are different. Hunters have better pet management tools, so it still makes sense to me that they don’t get an instant res.

Honestly this thread highlights why i’m considering rerolling from my Hunter.

Nothing to do with the class, its really fun and feels super rewarding but having to deal with these amazingly ignorant opinions (like the ones from the DK above or the level 11 troll)half to time from your own partners (if you’re stuck LFGing) is so damn tiring lol.

Basically nobody cares to even understand the class, specially when its just so much more straightforward to just run with most other classes.

Interrupts eh? Glad I dont rely on my pet for damage, mortal strike, freedom, stun, or pet sac. Those abilitys are garbage am I right?

But yeah… gotta make sure lock can kick. :man_facepalming:

Actually locks can begin resummoning a pet while it’s alive. Which is an instant re-rez essentially and moves the pet back to them, and they dont have to wait until the pet is already dead to do so.

Also warlock pet heal tops the pet in 1-2 seconds of the channelling, meanwhile hunter mend pet does 3.5% hp a second. Hardly even comparable


No. We just lose a stun, and one or two other things since you didn’t read my post earlier:

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Kill command is a focus generator. Your main damage resource. Your damage takes a very significant hit without it, you cannot properly use your rotation without your pet. Focus is not like energy, so if you’re unable to kill command you will just spend it all and wait a very long time. Baseline focus regen is horrid, and even with your pet out it’s important to note that kill command resets 15 focus per use, while your slow (wing clip) and main damage ability (mongoose bite/raptor strike) cost 30 focus. Your ranged dot costs 20 focus. Without a pet you will fall unbelievably behind in damage.

Pets need to be on the kill target for MS

The most valuable tools you have are RoS and Master’s Call from your pet, one of which also sends damage to your pet. Intim for SV/BM are also incredibly important for kill opportunities, without it you are hindered greatly.

SV hunters are so useless without their pets lmfao, but even MM is hurt severely by losing their healing reduction/ms/ros.

Hunters don’t have better tools for keeping their pet alive. Your only abilities you can use to keep your pet alive are Aspect of the Turtle, Exhil (your own defensive CDs) and mend pet. Mend pet is purgeable with a 10 second CD. That ability is actually so awful but so many people don’t know how hunters work, but even in BfA if a team actually knows how bad mend pet is they can kill my pet very easily.

Now let’s look at warlocks. Imp is the squishiest pet, however imps do not need to be near the kill target and can be instead put far away from anyone near a pillar with your healer. This makes it so that you can create positioning that would punish anyone from chasing after your pet, but you still get the most out of it’s utility. Fel hunters can be near either the enemy or your healer. Since they aren’t on a dps, it’s much easier to keep them alive. Health funnel heals for a significant amount, far more than mend pet does even after just a second or two of channeling. Because warlocks have high priority spells to lockout, it can be very likely that you don’t even have a stop available when they go for a quick channel of health funnel. In bfa lock pets are benefited from soul leech, which also has a significant impact, and can even make it easier to keep the pet alive while it gets chased and you spam damage.

Lastly, warlocks can presummon their pet while it’s already being attacked. This is super beneficial against melee classes, because you can simply drag the pet away from them while it’s dying, and just start recasting the summon of the pet. You cannot start casting rez pet as a hunter until your pet is dead. Just like turtle can be used to rez a pet, warlocks can use their wall although in both cases these are very significant disadvantages. However warlocks still get fel dom, which helps them out a ton.

Oh yeah, and if warlocks really are concerned about their pet dying they can just play Grimoire of Sacriifice. You don’t have that luxury as a hunter, and even as MM lone wolf is not close to being as good because you will still not have access to MS, Roar of Sacrifice, or Master’s Call when playing Lone Wolf. You will only have Survival of the Fittest, a 3 minute cd 20% wall. Also keep in mind you can’t ever swap your pet as a hunter in arena or dismiss it, even though pets of the same family share abilities with each other (so you’d never run into monkey resetting again for example). This also makes it so you pmuch lose lone wolf benefits as soon as you ever summon a pet.



My sims show a DPS loss of 80% as a BM hunter. 104k to 20k. You must have a different definition of negligible than I do.

You don’t just lose damage from your pet (which is 50% of our overall damage, but you lose focus and many other abilities too).

Have you every actually looked at the numbers or are you just making stuff up?

Yeah he’s just making things up lol.

Here’s an example from a ~9 min 3v3 game from TR vs WW Mage Hpal.


16.6% damage is from KC/pet autos/pet special ability. Not factoring in that MS is 25% effective damage, or even that KC even is a focus generator, allowing you to use your other abilities. On top of the other utility reasons I listed in my longer post.


BM hunter

Incoming new Honor Talent “Phoenix Revival” to make up for it :slight_smile:

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Wouldn’t help anything, we have 2 mandatory ones and 3 floaty ones that would still be better than this already.

Yeah I know, was just joking about how Blizz will “give back” previously pruned abilities/passives in the form of a talent. The worst direction of class design I’ve ever seen which I’m glad they’ve started to move away from.

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Na he mean you will be able to pillar hump spamming DS till our pet dies. Blizzard is pretty much forcing MM on all hunters.

Mmmm yes, force MM hunter on me :upside_down_face:

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lmao, you do realize pets are MOST of a BM hunters damage & utility right? without a pet being alive BM hunters are useless.

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I actually think pet management is good for the game in arena. Now, PvE and how buggy pets are that’s a different story. However, I feel health funnel is far superior than mend pet and also pets should have a defensive ability so that if a team trains your pet you can adapt and try to keep your pet alive. I think healers healing a pet is fine (I’m not sure on pet hp pools) but I see the concern. I just think pets living 100% of the time and it doesn’t matter if they die or not and instant res isn’t good. I haven’t played hunter or warlock in arena in a bit but just my opinion on facing it at least.