Pet Rez: shadowlands, hunters SOL

Hot take considering how easy it is to blow up a survival hunter’s pet. It’s also tied to their focus regen and requires the pet to go in so they can do damage because blizzard is weird.

Teams are already fetching turtle from me so I can get a pet res off to keep playing the game so I don’t know what more you want.

Huh? Destro pets share the Destro shield, the Destro can summon the pet mid combat so it doesn’t die around a corner where the Destro has forced you because because he accidentally sneezed and pressed Coil, and you can purge off Mend Pet. Like ???

Warlock pets are infinitely better right now and are looking as such going into SL.


Are you trying to imply you can’t kill totems anymore?

I love this approach to the game, its the small (big) things

Demons are just vessels

Pets should feel “alive”, bullheaded, blood of the rhino, cower, pet swapping, last stand, intervene

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This isn’t a problem exclusive to hunters. Warlock pets on beta are still pretty squishy, and a 3 minute cooldown to (nearly instant) summon a pet isn’t going to make a big difference. 6 second resummon time is nearly impossible to pull off against good teams. I’ll be playing grimoire of sacrifice in every possible situation, especially as affliction

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I mean load up the game and try to kill a BM hunter’s pet, then try to kill a felhunter while you’re sitting behind a pillar and let me know which is easier.

If you’re playing thugcleave or KFC where your partner already has MS, the natural pet for hunters to choose is a spirit beast, which is a tenacity pet and is designed for tanking. Felhunter/imp/succ are not by design meant for tanking mobs in the open world.

Then you can go watch the few games of AWC where wallrikz tried playing demo and see him having to sit his felguard away from everything so it doesn’t constantly die.

Neat, show me a BM hunter in the AWC. Is there even one in R1 range?

And then go watch the AWC and watch nLite into Coffin Dance like last weekend when Facile’s pet dies and he struggles to get it up while they pressure him and he can’t do anything back due to no focus and has to turtle to res it/save himself.

Also why are you trying to kill the BM Hunter’s pets when you can just kill him. What’s he going to do, tickle you until 70% dampening when you’ve likely shredded his team at that point? Due to your complains about BM you probably play with a Destro Lock and got Hog’d. Zzzz.


What game do you play exactly? I would enjoy playing it

Mend pet purgeable, warlocks can resummon pets while the pet is being attacked, health funnel heals a significant amount and while it is a channel the class has so many high priority casts that need to be dealt with. On top of that mend pet is purgeable, hunter pets are needed to be in battle/kill target (for MS/kcs) so rofl

If a warlock pet is getting shut down harder than a hunter pet the warlock is entirely clueless lmao


Well BM seems to always be oppressive when it’s good and trash when it’s not. Not getting into right or wrong just being real with you.

Now with their MM rework it seems they’re pushing you to be MM without a pet lol.

Can’t mindlessly kill them anymore.

Have to actually target them (which is 100% fine).

I mean I play a druid now so I can just hibernate the pets, but I played hunter for like 4 years through WoD/legion. Also haven’t complained about BM once? Hunter is one of my favorite classes. I’m bringing it up because thug/kfc might be played in Shadowlands if warrior/sub stay strong.

People seem to not be understanding my point: hunter pets are in a vacuum tankier than lock pets aside from voidwalker due to the nature of how the class is designed to be played while leveling, and balance changes made to hunter pets shouldn’t be identical to changes made to warlock pets. You can see my first post for my suggested fix to hunter pets dying, and I agree that dying to cleave needs to be dealt with.

Let’s also nerf the damage for having more than 1 totem out. Only fair right?

But they’re not. That’s where you’re losing people, and lock pets have different use and isn’t tied to the main DPS rotation of the lock. Lock pets are a bit of utility. BM/Survival cannot function without their pets.

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Sure it’s possible I’m wrong, this is how it worked back in the day:

Hunter pets gain:
22% of the hunters ranged attack power as both attack power and spell damage.
30% of the hunter’s stamina.
40% of the hunter’s resistances.
35% of the hunter’s armor

Warlock pets gain:
30% of the warlock’s stamina.
40% of the warlock’s resistances.
35% of the warlock’s armor.
15% of the warlock’s spell damage.
57% of the warlock’s spell damage as attack power
30% of the warlock’s intellect.

and because hunters are a mail armor class, their pets naturally had more armor making them tankier into physical dps. Before dampening, I’m willing to believe that soul leech more than makes up for this difference. Once dampening reaches a certain point, the % damage reduction that armor provides should outweigh the absorb from soul leech when fighting physical dps.

Unfortunately armor is a good stat for tanking mobs in the world, but in pvp it’s a much weaker stat now than back in BC given that a lot of DK/DH damage isn’t physical, and classes are passively applying bleeds (which ignore armor).

In wrath they made it so that pets also inherited resilience from the player, but I don’t know what happened to that when resilience was removed.

So perhaps you’re right and hunter pets could use improvements to their defense against bleeds and DH/DK.

Without my pet, my DPS drops 60-80%. It went from 54k to 19k on some short fights when I run a quick test of this. I ran simulationcraft on myself with and without a pet. My DPS dropped from 104k to 20k. I wanted to compare that to a warrior’s disarm, but it won’t let me sim without a weapon.

When they kill our pet, we lose all of this:

  • We lose Kill Command
  • We lose the Frenzy benefit of Barbed Shot
  • We lose Bestial Wrath
  • We lose Spirit Mend if we have a Spirit Beast
  • We lose Survival of the fittest OR Master’s Call depending on the pet
  • We lose 7% of our health, 12% of our movement speed, or 15% Leech depending on our pet
  • We lose Roar of Sacrifice, Wild Protector, and The Beast Within if we’re specced into those PVP talents.
  • We lose Intimidation
  • We lose 20 Focus
  • Obviously, we lose the damage of our pet too.

Our rotational damage is reduced to an 8 second 16k DOT, a 10k Cobra Shot, and Arcane Shot when it goes baseline in SL.

It’s not just that our DPS drops (at least not for BM). We lose a ton of mobility and survivability too. It’s not fun watching so many important buttons go grey.

Facing a decent team, a BM hunter will lose the second their pet dies, and it’s child’s play to kill a pet. If I go into arena and see a BM Hunter, that’s the first thing I’m going to kill. It doesn’t take long, and it’s game over after that.


wait you mean you wont be able to pillar hump and let pet kill people while you regain all your cds back? You will actually have to play smart with your pet now? How dare blizzard do this!

The ignorance of this post.


Meh I’d be mad like you also if the thought of my pet not being able to nuke people down while im in full PVE gear, by looks of things most PVE nerds just getting a decent rating in PVP for the first time since BFA started… I’m sure it has a lot to do with skill

They’re two different classes. Warlocks rely on their pets for interupts, hunters do not.

I disagree, I think its okay for pet killing to be a counterplay against some classes and useless against others. I’m not a fan of homogenizing the game. It’s okay for different classes to be different. :man_shrugging:

Hunters rely on their pets in order to do damage and survive…

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Pet damage is negligable.

1 CD is not the same as an interupt. You still have turtle.

Hunters are not nearly as punished for pet killing as Warlocks are. Interupts are ESSENTIAL for ALL content in the game.

Let’s also not forget that hunters have much better tools for keeping their pets alive than Warlocks do.